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not abuse (Cs:go) Abuse Report (Jglake)


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Abuse Report

Abuser Name



Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID



Where did this occur?



What server?



How long ago did this take place?


30-60 Minutes ago

Give us a brief description of the incident.


I was playing music (Metallica) during my Warday. Jglake proceeded to mute me for 1 round for no reason, after which [HG] Father started playing music after which I got unmuted.


Either Jglake did this so that his friend Father (i don't know if they are friends) could play music, or he just straight up didn't want to listen to my music. Either way it was clearly intentional, and I expect some form of repercussions from this.

Proof Links?


Here is a YouTube video (thanks to NVIDIA Shadowplay) showing him muting me and then unmuting me when someone else (Father) started playing music. The abuse occurs around 3:49 in the video.



Here is a screenshot of his STEAM_ID

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Firstly yes I muted and I admit to the abuse BUT it was unintentional (YES HIS MUSIC WAS SHIT I CAN HAVE OPINIONS) I meant to block him and raptor told me how to but I was thinking really hard about something so I made the connection MUTE = NOT HEAR without even thinking about admin and shit so yes I abused but it was on accident and as soon as I realized what I did I unmuted.


Also you do not see what was said in admin chat. It is a total different version if you could see admin chat.

Edited by Jglake
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He ain't my friend.

Sorry, dawg, just looked like it.


Firstly yes I muted and I admit to the abuse BUT it was unintentional (YES HIS MUSIC WAS SHIT I CAN HAVE OPINIONS) I meant to block him and raptor told me how to but I was thinking really hard about something so I made the connection MUTE = NOT HEAR without even thinking about admin and shit so yes I abused but it was on accident and as soon as I realized what I did I unmuted.

Mic quality is completly irrelevant when playing music.

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Sorry, dawg, just looked like it.

Mic quality is completly irrelevant when playing music.

I have a magic trick for you.

Step 1. Cntrl+F

Step 2. Type "mic quality"

Step 3. Find where in my post I mentioned mic quality

Step 4. Realize it was never there and just vanished from your imagination because I didn't edit it out or else your post's quote of my reply would differ.


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I have a magic trick for you.

Step 1. Cntrl+F

Step 2. Type "mic quality"

Step 3. Find where in my post I mentioned mic quality

Step 4. Realize it was never there and just vanished from your imagination because I didn't edit it out or else your post's quote of my reply would differ.

Pretty sure it was there, and you could've edited your post for all I know.. Nonetheless that is a somewhat irrelevant point, as you still did abuse your powers.

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The only time someone is exempt from an admin requesting you to turn your music off is when you are the lead. It being a war day does not mean he can't tell you to turn your music off, unless your an admin.


As for the disrespect, it has nothing to do with admin abuse, that would go to HGbans.


So, anything else?

Nothing from me :)

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