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So, I've heard this topic come up quite often, and I've seen it dismissed, but it's genius.

Let's saying we're playing late night ttt, or some late night JB, and someone decides to be racist, Rdm, mass fk, whatever. I'm proposing an offer of which any member currently on can go to the forums, and request admin power. WAIT NO DONT ARGUE YET. It would be accepted or denied, by a division staff member. It wouldn't be ban reports, like if a racist, same for rdms or fkers/baits. It would be for petty shit kinda, but to put someone in their place if they're Impersonating whatever. As I said it would be approved or denied, and once approved the member would begin recording a demo, which they'll record all admin actions taken over their hour long admin status. They won't have access to all chat, admin chat, but they'll have normal admin commands besides that. Any abuse would not be taken lightly, and it would be recommended they read admin procedure guide before requesting. After their hour long is up, they will post the demo to forums, so if there is any abuse/more than minor problems, division staff will look.

Members I'd say would be very trustworthy with this, as they have been In HG long enough to know most rules and what's right from wrong. I'd say 1 major problem, admin request is revoked Til appeal. Minor shit, 3x warning before revoke and appeal. It would be very cool to see how this works out, I'd love to see what you guys think about this. Please keep an open mind, as this isn't full proof but it will help, also this can only be activated if there is no mods/admins actively playing, or if there IS a paidmin, but he isn't doing anything this is restricted to members only, as I said. Ty for reading.

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On paper it sounds wonderful




[spoiler=''] no



This plan would only work if said staff+ were on willing to grant such big powers for free to someone who claims to have seen someone break the rules or what have you. Even if the staff were on to grant the powers, why don't you ask the staff to hop on the servers to clear out the rule breakers? Seems a little backwards IMO.

Edited by Jared.
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