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unbanned Clearcut Unban Request


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Okay, so here's the thing:


1. The main reason your name came up under the fire is because you consistently talked bad behind leaderships back. You just don't know when to let go of a grudge. We had an arguement almost a year ago that you never let go of. I even let go of that situation and gave you mod because you became a valueable member of the division and you earned it. The point I'm trying to make is, there's no reason to talk behind about leadership because at the end of the day everyone in leadership is only trying to improve the community.


So, regarding that, if we receive any reports of you talking bad about any member of leadership, with proof, you will be re-permd.


2. As far as pZ goes, that group is just simply no longer welcomed here. So, if you are going to retain a player of HG, there is to be nothing involving pZ on our forums/teamspeak/servers.


You are on EXTREME thin ice Clearcut. Anything you do could reverse this and put you right back into a permanent ban. Do not forgot that.



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