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What's Causing This?

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I'll start off by saying I'm not sure this is the correct place to post this; if it's not, I apologize.


But anyways, every 5-10 minutes my chat (in both TTT and Minigames) will be spammed with about 40 lines of text saying I need to buy premium in order to use certain items.




It's not a big deal, but if it can be fixed, I'd really appreciate it.


EDIT: Just realized it says I'm a VIP member on the forums, even though I've never bought it.

Edited by Label
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I had a colored name when I used to be a mod, so i didn't need VIP or anything like that. but ever since I was revoked of my mod, it justs spams my chat saying I need premium. So I guess we both have the same problem, maybe try disabling the colored name? Idk lol

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I'll start off by saying I'm not sure this is the correct place to post this; if it's not, I apologize.

But anyways, every 5-10 minutes my chat (in both TTT and Minigames) will be spammed with about 40 lines of text saying I need to buy premium in order to use certain items.


It's not a big deal, but if it can be fixed, I'd really appreciate it.

EDIT: Just realized it says I'm a VIP member on the forums, even though I've never bought it.


That spam has been there for a while, also you are a VIP member because you may be in the top20 for minigames.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The root of this problem goes back to before Free VIP was broken. If you were a VIP back then you had access to VIP items in the store. If you bought and equipped these items, and free VIP broke, you still register as having these VIP items equipped. You aren't technically VIP any more, so it reminds you in chat that you need to be vip to equip all these items you have bought. If you haven't bought/equipped any VIP items before the free VIP was disabled, i'm not sure what would cause the spam. On the same note, you have VIP because the top 10/20 players on most HG servers "supposedly" get free VIP but it is broken/disabled right now. This means you are registered as VIP and have the forum tag, but you technically can't do anything that VIPs can. As of right now I don't think there is a way to solve the periodic spam, because you technically don't own and therefore can't unequip what it is spamming you about.

Edited by Slime Slayer
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