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Meeting postponed


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Todays meeting was a drill >.> no but really a lesson learned.. I had to all of a sudden leave an hour before the meeting, sorry.

Us council have to decide a day around all our schedules to be on together, the first Saturday of the month is not going to work. We will give you guys an update and at least a week notice posted on the main site when we will hold the meeting so we will at least have 4+ council online for everyone's ideas and suggestions. Thank you for everyone that did show up today.

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just wanted to let you, Homer, and the rest of the council, that even though you guys weren't there, we ourselves tried our best to talk about what the clan is doing and so on and so forth. it wasnt a complete failure, just could have gone better with a Council. :D

looking forward to next meeting


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Also please note this is our first time holding such a meeting, we are not perfect yet and we are working out the tweaks of organization for a successful meeting. Soon we will have a working routine with our goals to help HG be stronger.

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man i would of expected from lack not you john and today wasnt a complete failure we got together and got in zombie mod and 10 man scrim to a certain extend


Nt on the quote, but I obviously know what happened, I was there, but as far as what the meeting was suppose to be for, nothing was accomplished. GG.

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I'm going to try to not buzzword anyone to death, but some of you may know my (IRL) job is to make sure everyone keeps their shit together on my team. In the spirit of agile development/high performance teams/other terms used in books, I think we should try to keep in mind that tactics used in business can very well apply to organizations such as this one. We are, after all, a company in some sense, right?


The most common practice in being an agile organization is empowering (that's the 4th buzzword for people counting) teams to come up with concepts on their own and then pass them through management to decide what actually applies to their agenda and the direction they want the organization to go.


With that said, I think it wouldn't hurt anything to have these meetings regardless of attendance, and then letting the council deliberate over the points we talked about. Part of this ties back to my thought from the meeting thread that we should start recording the ops meetings for posterity and link them for download. Kind of like a podcast of sorts.


Just a random thought for you guys. Catch you at the next meeting.

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Seriously tho, there is an issue that I would like to bring up at the next clan ops meeting if no one objects...


Who's going to object... We're corrupt, not like, China or something.. or communist russia, we're open to opinions..





Just kidding though, seriously don't say it or our ninjassasin, bort will hunt you down and off you in your sleep.

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