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reviewed (Cs:go) Abuse Report (Lxma)


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Abuse Report

Abuser Name



Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID




Where did this occur?




What server?




How long ago did this take place?



1 Min ago

Give us a brief description of the incident.



So he slayed Shadow, when we all asked why he did it he didn't reply. Than tank said freekill in lr, but the console showed it wasn't a freekill.

Proof Links?




It says tank is a rebel^



Tanks says FK in LR^



Console Saying its not a FK ^



Him slaying and all of us asking why^
Edited by Suicide
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This was my fault and i take responsibility for my actions. This abuse was by no means on purpose. That does not mean however that i should not be punished and or stripped of my admin privileges. Take any means necessary that i deserve for punishment. I will pay for my actions and learn a lesson from this moving forward.


Edited for spelling mistakes.

Edited by limasaur
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