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Hide and Seek Crashes! (long read)


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Hrrrm..the following is the story of what was said between JJK and I on skype(notice the part of the the graph labeled 18:34 through 22:35).



*JJK and I were in a skype call, I was trying to fix motd for office, jjk was trying to fix hns scripts*



JJK- Why won't this script effing work arrrrggg


fdhelmin: I wish I could figure out what was wrong with my motd


*fdhelmin updates motd on server, clicks restart on server cpanel, goes in-game to see new motd*


fdhelmin: man the motd is still not working!


JJK: Great!!hide and seek just crashed!!oh wait now its back up again!!the map must have changed


*fdhelmin edits motd again, restarts in cpane, joins game*


fdhelmin: dude its still doing the same thing


JJK: wtf my hide and seek server keeps crashing!


fdhelmin: hmm did you change something?


*fdhelmin joins server*


*fdhelmin updates motd, restarts in cpanel, goes back in game*


fdhelmin: what the crap I can still move around in-game even after i restarted the server. Shouldn't it freeze and make me disconnect?


JJK: My server is still crashing. At least I can work on it now that everyone is gone.


*fdhelmin restarts server again. this time it takes a little bit longer*


JJK: Wtf my computer just froze. I can still talk to you but it froze..weird!


JJK: Ok now its back to normal..but hide nad seek is still crashing!


fdhelmin: You think Q-S Cpanel is broken? It's like its not restarting my server.


*fdhelmin restarts server..it takes longer again*


*fdhelmin notices it says the server is 38 slots, he thinks to himself "hmm..i thought my server was only 32 slots"*


*fdhelmin looks at the name of the server on main page in server cpanel*




fdhelmin: It's my fault


JJK: Right..


fdhelmin: JJK..


JJK: ya?


fdhelmin: You aren't gonna be happy with me..


JJK: Uhhhh...why?


fdhelmin: I was logged in on your cpanel because of that motd thing we were looking up off of it. I forgot to switch back over to mine..


JJK: Uh huh....


fdhelmin: Every time I pressed the restart button...it restarted your server


JJK: ..


*awkward pause*


JJK: lolololololol..in hlstatsx the uptime (green line) keeps dropping down to zero where you were restarting it.

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*Moments Later*


fdhelmin: JJK You are gonna be mad at me again...

ME: ? ..why...

fdhelmin: I typed "rcon delayed_quit reinstall" (Its what QS uses to reinstall servers)

fdhelmin: I mistakenly still had your server selected when we were looking at how it was timedout for 21 minutes

fdhelmin: So i could start from scratch on my server

ME: your shittin me

fdhelmin: on a scale of 1-10 how mad would you be?

ME: 200 ish





Was helmin telling the truth? We will find out next server restart...

Edited by HT | jjk
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