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What Is Your Most Memorable Memory During Christmas ?


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So hi everyone

i'm jessica


So many of you already knows

christmas is here

and i'm in my christmas spirit

i'm sending gifts around the community and trying to light up the mood up here


but there's always something that have been in my mind since forever

i always wonder what's everyone best or most memorable memory they had during christmas


so for me , i think it's my fav one and it's a bit sad

so to clear this up

Singapore is an small island , it's not part of china , i don't know who is that dumb to say that like boi did you study history

so we are nicknamed the red dot cause we are that tiny little red dot

so singapore weather is like hot 24/7 but there's times it's cold and there's time it's hot like hell

i remember there was this one year where it didn't rain for 2 months and people named it the dry spell


So moving on , alot of people were wondering if singapore have snow

the answer is NO , but every december , the weather will be very cold

the winds will likely be very strong

giving it's cold air

yes , we do celebrate christmas but we always do some simple thing

for example , every christmas , family would go out and have dinner together or celebrate together in their house

it just something simple , we really never want something big


So my most memorable memory is with my grandma


my grandma has always been very sweet , she's that old lady who will nag at you and take care of you

sadly she's gone around nov 2015 , 1 month before christmas , so she isn't with me anymore but to this day i still miss her

so every christmas , she would bake cookies or pies for us when we got into her home

mostly sugar or gingerbread

and i really enjoy baking with her , i mean i know it's sounds very odd to some people

so every christmas, around the evening , my aunt would bring us out for dinner

we mostly have steamboat which if you don't know it's an soup

where you can add meats, porks,fishball , mushroom etc

and it's usually very hot cause of the boiling water


so i think that is the most memorable memory i had, and it happens every year i know it sounds like boring but

that what singaporeans do , we like to do something simple

to me christmas it just about spending time with family , create an bond together and be happy

it's never about giving gift or asking someone to get you that item or wondering what to give for that person


it's just bond with friends or family , have fun together and be happy


So that all i have to say

what is your most memorable memory you have during christmas

let me know down below

i find it interesting to know other people stories and how they enjoy it


I hope you all have a wonderful christmas

stay warm and happy new year



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Went out on Christmas, get something from the car...


But, there were tons of snow EVERYWHERE. As I was walking down the steps. I slipped and layed there in the cold, thinking... "why god" But shortly after, I got up and continued to do my thing.


The end.

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