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Can Map Advantageous Exploits/hidden Areas Be Cause For Banning?


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Recently, I played on an HG server running trade_minecraft_v2a_hg, and found an exploitable area that gives any team an advantage (video .mp4: trade_minecraft_v2a_hg.zip).


When I got there, there were multiple engineers on my team that placed sentries that would kill any enemy that came close.


Soon after, they left, and I remained, sometimes shooting one or two players.


Later, I got banned for an hour. I am not angry that I was banned, but it brings up a good question: If anyone finds any hidden/exploitable maps, is it possible for them to be banned?

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We're already aware of the exploitable portions of the map and they are being fixed in a coming map update.


However, we do reserve the right to warn and thereafter punish players who decide to take advantage of any map or game exploits.


You can appeal your ban here: https://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?i=233140-robotjelly

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