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I'm back.



Old computer died, I bought a laptop for gaming. Laptop died, I went without for a while (the 2 months break where I was gone). Been on a crappy computer for the last month or two, thusly been only on wow (it runs on EVERYTHING, that's how they make their money). Anyway, I'm back, like it or not. If you don't know me, don't bother me, if you do then please do. Other than that, I'll see you in game, moreso when I finally get my new computer built.


-Ur'Shulgi, Right Hand of the Hell-Tonic Empire

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I...never...left...... ... ...


Wait, what?


Couple of quick points:

1) Monkey and I are in fact *not* the same person.

2) Monkey and I do not sound alike, your ears just suck.

3) Monkey seems to be winning on the whole computer smarts thing.


That is all.

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I'm back.



Old computer died, I bought a laptop for gaming. Laptop died, I went without for a while (the 2 months break where I was gone). Been on a crappy computer for the last month or two, thusly been only on wow (it runs on EVERYTHING, that's how they make their money). Anyway, I'm back, like it or not. If you don't know me, don't bother me, if you do then please do. Other than that, I'll see you in game, moreso when I finally get my new computer built.

-Ur'Shulgi, Right Hand of the Hell-Tonic Empire


Cool story, bro.

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