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Bad Company 2 -- Game of '10


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A month and a half until the launch to Bad Company 2!!



  • 4 character classes (medic, assault, recon and engineer), 15,000+ kit variations, 46 weapons (200 different customization opportunities), 15 gadgets and 13 character specializations.
  • Limited edition items including four unlockable vehicle related items/upgrades and two classic in-game Battlefield 1943 weapons.
  • 8 huge multiplayer maps and 15 land, sea and air vehicles, including the ATV and the UH-60 transport helicopter.
  • All-new squad gameplay where players team up with 3 others and fight together to unlock special awards and achievements in 2 squad-specific game modes. These are in addition to awards and ranks achieved individually.
  • Destruction 2.0. Take down entire buildings, create firepoints or blow it up entirely. In Battlefield Bad Company 2 there is be no place to hide.















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I lied to all of you!! I just canceled my order with Amazon and got it direct from EA. DIRECT DOWNLOAD ON THE 2ND!!!!!!





Get the game here from EA: http://eastore.ea.com/store/ea/en_US/DisplayProductDetailsPage/productID.165578400





BETA Details:


Beta Begins/Ends

Jan 28th/Feb 25th

Map Name

Port Valdez



Game Mode





Vehicle and Infantry

Back Story

The battle for Port Valdez is fought alongside the waterline towards a great oil industrial landscape in the Alaskan mountains. Using basically everything they've got the Russian forces are launching an airborne assault to knock out the oil industries in the area. In their arsenal there are Main Battle Tanks as well as fast-moving Quad Bikes and mobile armored AA. It's a vehicle focused battle, but with plenty of infantry combat.


How to Download: Check back to the Battlefield Bad Company 2 for a new Beta Page closer to beta launch date for download instructions.

How To Get Access: Reserve Battlefield Bad Company 2 is the most sure fire way, but we are still working with Retailers & e-Tailers that wish to participate (it's up to them). If you're eager to ensure you get in the two confirmed distributors to Pre-Order are the EA Store and at GameStop.com. We'll have another Blog at a later date with an update on the retailers & e-Tailers that have teamed up with us as well as alternate channels to obtain a Closed Beta Key.


Misc. Details

Steam Beta: Yes there was a leaked image of a Package file we propped on Steam. People with illegal accounts can see games in this environment, but this is not a Beta in the term of Public Test Beta, but a real development Beta installer client for the Steam version of the full game. We are however working with Steam to have the Public PC Beta available on Steam, but can't confirm this quite yet so cross your fingers Steam users. :-)

Anti Cheat: We're going with PunkBuster supporting the same options BF2 and BF2142 had to run unranked without PunkBuster.

Mod Tools: There will not be mod tools for BFBC2. However a majority of the the games logic is controlled by the server and there will be Serverside control options for the dedicated servers.

Public Server Files: We will not distribute these publicly. There are many factors for why we have decided this with the biggest factor being security & integrity of our game & Dedicated Servers.

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Gotta say... I had a blast testing this game a few months back. Lol. It was the one day we were ordered not to test, but PLAY the game, because apparently some people who were making media commercials for it was recording our gameplay.


Best day of work.

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It is gonna be bad ass.

That is why I am bought (buying) both. :D


BC looks funner though.

If you have never played BC1, you wouldn't understand.

That game alone was badass, and now the physics and graphics have been updated more.


Not to mention the new PC version for BC2.


Sorry, late poster to this thread but......


did you say "funner"?





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Just pre-ordered the limited Edition, Also got the beta for 28th Any one else getting it and gonna come play??





+1 More for Squad play go go


P.S Preorder from Steam or EA for Beta, there could be others

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