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Tag Upgrade?


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Just curious if I could be allowed to use the veteran tag. I know I only have the recruit tag but that's because I thought I was always a member of HG from joining a long time ago. I've been playing HG since probably 2007, I have players who can back me up on that, Mario and Grizzly are 2 of them. My join date says 2008 on the site but have been playing on HG servers way before. So just thought I'd post, never hurts to ask. Thanks for your time, let me know.

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1. KGB is in your name and we do not allow multi-clanning.


Didn't even notice that lol.


well there you have it. to get promoted


A. leave KGB

B. be acitive on forums and vent

C. fill out regular promotion form



if you follow that guide and you stay very active and make yourself known you may be promoted faster

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Alright fair enough...HG is awesome and have lots of fun but it's more a community to me than a clan, I'm sure it's the same for a lot of members who wear the clan tag. You can remove my hg tag. Although I'll still be active on vent and the forums and game on HG servers of course. Thanks.

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KGB i wouldn't say is a team on technicalities lol like we don't scrim, and they play more on GG servers lol....pretty much just join team speak and game together once in a while...i spend more time with HG members on HG servers lol but ah well, was hoping could pass being a recruit, but I;ve been playing for years i guess technically not in the clan, doesn't really matter if im in the clan now. thanks for tagging me up yesterday though.

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too bad james 420 was a fa****




once youve been in hg longer then bill you can be promoted



I used to talk to him about what cs was like back in the old days. James had been playing since beta 4 or something like that.

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two problems

1. KGB is in your name and we do not allow multi-clanning.

2. You have to be active in the clan that includes forums and ventrilo for a year to get vet, which you are still in the recruit stage.


Are you serious? Thank god, cause last I checked, you had to recruit people and I was liek "WUT?" and they was liek "HUH?".

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