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Please Unban..


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Steam id:




Steam username: mrjg125



Okay, all I know about my account is that it WAS my friends..



so about 1 year ago I got the account, because he got a job, day and night shift so he has no time to play CS:S anymore. Well, he have his account to me, witch had hl2 and garrysmod, and CS:S. I used to play cs 1.6 (on windows 95, non steam I bought.), so i thought i would try CS:S. then, i hit refresh the server, and hit player button (to show to most players in the server) and i see HELLsGAMERS. That server had alot of people in it. So I try to join, and it says "YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED PLEASE GOTO HELLsGAMER.COM FOR MORE INFO" Well, I DIDNT go there. Now this happened when i first got CS:S. So, Today I try to rejoin and it STILL wont let me. Please Let me know IF i was banned, And If my friend got banned, or what. all I know is that this steam account used to be played by like 5 close friends Of not me, but my friend I got the steam account from. Thx you for taking your time to read this message.

Edited by Slazenger
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Yeah, I watched that.. I listened to the voices and everything.. That isnt me, But I think THE DOC was my friends kid name, witch sometimes i remember playing with him, and he would just knew where i was going and he would pwn me... so I have no clue wtf went down,

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Forgot to say.. that when I also got my new steam account, The name was TheDoc, And so i used to play MWF2, So i changed my name to (color red) The (color orange) Doc.



I thought it was a good name at the time, so when i play CS:S, I use mrjg125, I dont really play MW2 that much now....

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well we did unban a rather lucky guy who bought a ( 7-dig LOL!) account and was already banned and we unbanned him. you will be unbanned but are on a bit of a trial run (any violations of our MOTD and the hand that opened the door for you will smack your head right back out)


so enjoy the servers!

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Okay, so i was in your jail break server and i got banned for 1 hour cause he said Freeze, And then like 2 mins later A man was moving And i killed him, but people vote banned me because of lr?




Look, I have played Jail break before on Gmod, and i never heared of lr.... I didnt read the MOTD becuase i knew what gmod jailbreak was and i though it was the same.. Im really sorry, It was only for 1 hour so Idk, are you guys gonna ban me perma?


In MOTD it says i can ban someone who is freekilling, without a ban report. This was the case. your ban will expire soon, and you most likely will not be perma'd, but T-listed. T-listed means that you are not allowed to join the CT team next time you go on the server. You can request to un T-list, but i do not suggest doing it now because it will most likely get denied automatically. I suggest you read the rules on ALL servers, not only the Jailbreaks, because chances are different servers have different rules, and especially on a Communitie's server which you got banned from. Even if this was not you back then walling, there really is no way we can for sure tell, and it looks bad on your record. just sight tight, no perma (so i know) and you can request to T-list a week or so from now.


Edit: Here is the URL for the T-list https://hellsgamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17382

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mrjg125 needs to be put on the t only list. I warned him before before Carlos banned him.

Edit: He already was. So just take this as an admin already warned mrjg125 and he didn't listen and Carlos did the right thing.

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