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Ridiculous Ban


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1. Your in-game name: digdug

2. Server that you were banned on: Jailbreak

3. The Banning admin: Crosshair

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:9840930

5. Reason for ban: "Racism"


First of all, All i said was i love my nigguhz. I was given no warning, i was instantly killed in-cell. The next round, i asked what was wrong for saying "I love my nigguhz, im black, a black man cant say he loves his brothas?"

All i got in return was "digdug is being racist again, find him and freekill, i mean, kill him"


So the next round i dont say anything but Siphaed proceeds to freekill me in cell again...


The next round I ask how i am being racist for saying "I love my nigguhz", and i got banned.


I know im banned for 2 hours, im not worried about that. Im just wondering why i was called racist for not saying anything racist at all?

Edited by Artillery
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Then i could have been warned for inappropriate language and not racism, which are two COMPLETELY different things. I was not carrying on, I just asked a simple question to which no answer was given.


Your warning was in the MOTD and btw you being "black" means nothing to whether or not that language is "ok"

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1.) the term you kept repeating can be considered racist by some people.


2.) we have rules in place to try to keep our servers a place where everyone can feel comfortable playing, regardless of their race.


3.) regardless of how you feel about the word, be assured that there are others of varying races who strongly feel the opposite.


that's why you were banned for racism. end of story.

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That's what matters? The fact that OTHER races (which have NEVER been referred to as "n" word) find it offensive. Its the fact that you believe that this simple 6 letter word still hurts my people. We have been using this term for decades in an attempt to overcome its negative stigma which is widely accepted amongst OTHER races.

It's Black History Month, and I was trying to express brotherly love in a time of remembrance of the trials and tribulations that my people have overcome.

If a WHITE person comes into the server and calls someone else a cracka, would you ban him? no. you know why? because the term "cracka" does not affect your people. That is why its not considered racist, because it doesnt affect YOU. If I, as a 5th generation African-American am not affected by this word, why should you be?


It's not like I came in the server cursing black people, brown people, white people, and yellow people. I came to express cultural obligation to my fellow african brothers.

Edited by digdug
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Hehe. There are rules in place for a reason. Racism is racism, we don't care if you're of that said race, it doesn't matter, the serve rules are no racism. If you can't handle that then perhaps you should leave. Everyone who has posted here pretty much has a point and seeing as how you don't really care about your ban and are just on here to argue your own point across which doesn't really affect us - I believe this conversation is over.


Stop while you're ahead. Closed.

Edited by Artillery
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