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Vent Creeper


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So we just got done with a scrim right...here is the convo that followed when I got out of game:


Donald: What are those numbers

me: Um...what?

Donald: What are those numbers

*I check who I'm talking to on vent*

me: Oh hey Donald, what numbers?

Donald: The numbers next to the descriptions

me: Ahhh...huh?

Donald: Like the 27017

me: Err...what...do you...mean

Donald: Like are those skype numbers or something?

me: No...they are ports...to server IPs

Donald: Huh?

me: Um...game server ports and IPs

Donald: Oh.

Donald: So for like counter strike and stuff?

me: yeah...

me: do you play css?

Donald: No, I'm waiting for starcraft to come out...

Donald: I don't play many games right now

me: Oh...

me: So...how did you find our vent?

Donald: The internet

me: Ahh right...hg.com?

Donald: No. On the internet.

*Awkward silence*

Donald disconnected

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