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I am interested as to why your admins aren't doing their job


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Hello everyone, I play on steam as Sir Chac A Vale and I joined your jailbreak server last week.

Although I have enjoyed the server, there are a few things I want to bring up, mainly about the admins.


According to the server admin rules


3. Kicking.


# Kicking is used as a form of a warning. Make sure to give a TYPED warning first. If you kick someone for no just reason, you might be in some trouble. Kicking/ slaying people for no reason is admin abuse. If you are caught abusing your admin privileges your admin will be taken away with no refund and you will be banned from the server.




* 1. Be respectful to all players.

* 2. Don't take anything personal.

* 3. Set an example to other players.

* 4. No excessive slap or slays. See #7

* 5. Follow all server rules, and enforce it apon others

* 6. If an admin asks you a question do not ignore them, just answer them.

* 7. If someone is breaking the server rules...

-- 1 Give them one warning if they continue to break the server rules.

-- 2 Kick them off the server if they still continue.

* 8. Persistent problems need to be reported to one of the head admins.


Let me briefly explain my issue:

Since I play on CT most of the time (after playing a few days on T and learning basic rules), I obviously kill people. On a daily basis I get about 20 accusations of freekilling, and after explaining my just reasoning for why they should die (most of the time "leader said to freeze and you movied"), most T's understand and move on. But I have seen many CT's that either blatantly freekill or freekill by accident and don't slay themselves. Is it the Admin's job to make sure these rules are put into place?


Which leads me to my next issue. Admin Abuse.


Unfortunately I was kicked before i was able to save the conversation text, but hopefully this is accurate to my ability.

I was kicked on 4/1/10 because of disrespect, which is obviously quite undefined and opinionated and in which case I would entertain the admin that kicked me to join this thread so that we can boil down the 20 minute conversation into our main points and present a rational argument on each side.


The long and short of it was that the leader that round didn't know what he was doing, and forgot to say "no armory" and "All T's freeze." Trying to stop the CT's from losing the 42nd round in a row, I went on my mic and said "Yo Leader dude, you should really-" and that's all I got out because the admin muted me even though I was still alive. His excuse was spam, even though I had said nothing irrelevant or even used my mic within a 4 minute period. One of the guys there said to read forums before I play. And I did. He warned me twice before he kicked me because I asked why he muted me and if he realized that I was only telling leader how to stop T's from getting guns. Then I said something along the lines of "Admin abuse=ban, therefore if you kick me you lose your admin." And he kicked.


Question: was I wrong? Is this not blatant admin abuse with absolutely no just reason according to "3. Kicking" in admin regulations? Not to mention that the admin had no idea what the server rules were and always backed his buddies even when they were absolutely ignorant and uneducated in their accusations.


Question: What are you going to do about admins that refuse to hold justice, refuse to do their job, and show no respect to the players in the server?


I want an answer, and I mean no disrespect to anyone by writing this sincere harangue.

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Not a big deal? You spent half an hour typing all that shit out, WTF


I think he doesn't necessarily want to submit a full abuse report, but instead point out the rules that our servers maintain as public knowledge and hope to ask that they are upheld by the administrators that are on the HG servers. And, he is right in a perspective that there are several admins that will kick, slay, and even ban players on/from the server without an text reason to back up said actions performed. And, lets not forget that there are even admins that will mute players excessively, even the whole terrorist team just for a single player talking (whether the lead CT is even talking or not).

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Trouble is already afoot since Hobbes and I are both browsing this thread, but I'm going to humor you anyway.


Nonaction - Admins here, for the most part, pay their way in to support the community. Admins are under zero obligation to abide by your every whim. I can sit in one of the servers I admin for hours and not enforce a single infraction if I don't want to. Not to mention, in Jailbreak especially, it's like babysitting a bunch of snot-nosed fifth graders that only have a vocabulary of "freekill", "fag" and "abuse". You can't see everything.


Abuse - Someone that cares is going to have to pull logs to see what ACTUALLY happened, but regardless, I should remind you of a few things. It's kind of silly because you just got done complaining that admins don't do anything, and then you got muted and threw a fit. Without a demo, we're never going to know what really happened, so it's almost not worth your effort to come here and post about it. Maybe most importantly, if I hear someone complaining about admins while on the server, I will remove them. EVERY TIME. If you feel like you were sincerely, intentionally wronged, get a demo and post an abuse thread.


Everything else - Though I appreciate that you have a complaint or a concern, I do not appreciate your complete lack of tact.

Question: What are you going to do about admins that refuse to hold justice, refuse to do their job, and show no respect to the players in the server?


I want an answer, and I mean no disrespect to anyone by writing this sincere harangue.


You coming here and making demands will get you nowhere. Unless your intent was to get flamed, in which case you're on the right track. This is our community and we do not take kindly to people running their mouths about things they have no actual knowledge of.


Oh, and in case you didn't actually look up the word before you used it:

ha·rangue  (h-rng)
1. A long pompous speech, especially one delivered before a gathering.
2. A speech or piece of writing characterized by strong feeling or expression; a tirade.


You probably want to put the douchefilter on your thesaurus before you prove that you're being a troll by your word use.

Edited by Wingless
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Admins are required to "see it for themselves" in order to use their admin to slay a free killer. Combined with what the guy above me said about most of the admins having paid for their stuff and not having to "do their job".


I'll tell you what I tell ppl that constantly spam us in game to act on something we didnt see.

Admin for a server for 1 month is 15 usd, we'd be glad to have you.

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give it a month of paid admin and tell us your overall experience. ;)


I go into JB (whilst wearing full riot gear in real life + a P90 and riot shield) and I can not catch everything.


Let us know how that goes for ya. I may considering paying your refund of one month JB admin if you find that you can perform a better job mang!


PS: Point is, one broski cant do it all by him self in spectate. Will actually take more than 2 people in spec in JB to do a fair job. They wont be able to play nor have any bias to players in the actual gameplay. sorry to burst bubbles of dedicated JB'ers but someone had to say it.


JB can not be regulated well if all admins are in the gameplay. sorry to say but we will need at least two admins on each side speccing to do an "mehh, okay" job in that hell-hole.. Again sorry to burst the bubble, but from a pure admin stance, that is how it will be.



My own brain

Jim Beam

Edited by Moto
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Is it the Admin's job to make sure these rules are put into place?

no, they don't get paid. in fact, they pay for the privilege of having admin. in addition, one admin can't catch everything, or even the majority of things. do you expect an admin to sit in spec all day and do nothing but monitor players? how would that be fun for them?


Then I said something along the lines of "Admin abuse=ban, therefore if you kick me you lose your admin." And he kicked.


admin abuse != ban. repeated and/or severe admin abuse = removal of admin. if an admin is banned, it's not because he was abusing his admin, but because he was causing other trouble.


arguing and/or threatening an admin with "don't kick me or you'll be banned" is not smart. you don't have to agree with them, but let it go, move on. think of it in relation to cops. a police officer is not entitled to arbitrarily impose his will onto citizens; but if a citizen is disturbing the peace in his eyes, he has the authority to take action, such as to arrest the citizen. even if the arrest is later considered erroneous, the officer is protected from civil suits of false imprisoning, etc, to a certain extent.


also, if you want to be such a smarty pants, i don't mind pointing out that you missed one of the rules:



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I was on the server when this happened he was trying to make a friendly suggestion, and was quickly muted due to "spam". Also note that his mic was open and he was speaking before anyone else was talking during that period. (including lead ct) Though i don't remember the admin who muted him

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yea if you are going to start undermining the admins you will get dealt with... Plus, I have played with you before and i get constant complaints urging me to team switch you to T.



Hey, I'll start undermining an admin that starts spamming 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall in console chat at around 1 in the morning.....but that's just to tell his drunk ass to sober up.

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Well since this about me.....I'll post. I muted him for spam because he was on his mic constantly the whole time the round before. I warned him to stop the constant chit chat back and fourth. The next round started and lead said freeze no armory and right as he was about to give orders was rudely interupted by this spam monster! I muted and asked him nicely not to spam again and so he decided to start an argument in chat. I then asked him to stop the argument and I was done. To bad he didn't. So I kicked for spam. He then decided to come back and warn me....which I let go the first and second time but third time was the charm and I kicked for disrespect.



I don't think I did anything wrong. After all it was a kick not a ban hammer. If you think I was wrong to kick you I guess next time I'll let one of the harder admins ban you.



I love me some hg drama!



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Trouble is already afoot since Hobbes and I are both browsing this thread, but I'm going to humor you anyway.


Nonaction - Admins here, for the most part, pay their way in to support the community. Admins are under zero obligation to abide by your every whim. I can sit in one of the servers I admin for hours and not enforce a single infraction if I don't want to. Not to mention, in Jailbreak especially, it's like babysitting a bunch of snot-nosed fifth graders that only have a vocabulary of "freekill", "fag" and "abuse". You can't see everything.


Abuse - Someone that cares is going to have to pull logs to see what ACTUALLY happened, but regardless, I should remind you of a few things. It's kind of silly because you just got done complaining that admins don't do anything, and then you got muted and threw a fit. Without a demo, we're never going to know what really happened, so it's almost not worth your effort to come here and post about it. Maybe most importantly, if I hear someone complaining about admins while on the server, I will remove them. EVERY TIME. If you feel like you were sincerely, intentionally wronged, get a demo and post an abuse thread.


Everything else - Though I appreciate that you have a complaint or a concern, I do not appreciate your complete lack of tact.



You coming here and making demands will get you nowhere. Unless your intent was to get flamed, in which case you're on the right track. This is our community and we do not take kindly to people running their mouths about things they have no actual knowledge of.


Oh, and in case you didn't actually look up the word before you used it:

ha�rangue  (h-rng)
1. A long pompous speech, especially one delivered before a gathering.
2. A speech or piece of writing characterized by strong feeling or expression; a tirade.


You probably want to put the douchefilter on your thesaurus before you prove that you're being a troll by your word use.


Solid point, i'll take a demo at some point.


Thank you for responding on this thread and showing your concern, but i feel as though this issue is dealt with realistically.


Oh, and i know what harangue means, that's why I used it, only tards use words that they don't know the meaning of.

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