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iPod touch


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Both of these ^


I'd also suggest, depending on what you're wanting it to do (music, music/video, Touch-eseque features and games) taking a look at Zunes and Zens (or whatever Creative calls their line now). I was using my Zen for just about everything until the screen crapped out (it's been a while) and it was less rape than iProducts are financially.

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yea craig's list is probably not the best since people have been scammed on it... but ebay is alot better than going out to the store or going to the apple store :blink2:


I've always had qualms with how Apple sells things, so if you want one on the cheap, I don't see any reason you can't find a quality reseller (refurb, maybe?) on ebay and buy one that way. I bought both of my Blackberrys that way and never had a problem. Just make sure they have good seller score. Someone that does this kind of stuff for a living. Or second living.

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