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Any questions?



Yes, where is socialism in all of that?


I'll bite...


life: college, gf, friends, church,, roller hockey, tennis, disc golf, running, cliff diving, president stuff for beta alpha psi, various clubs, and being awesome.


work: accounting/IT for furn stores for a few more weeks, unix/win/db prod servs and server capacity mgmt starting next month for an investment bank.


on the agenda: pilot's license, scuba license, ernst and young tech serv consulting, and law degree.


What about being an Astronaut (Oh wait no more US Manned Space Program, thanks Obama) or a Fireman, or a doctor, or a psychotherapist, or the president, or the homeless guy living next to my house (Or is it the other way around?). You have to expand your horizons my friend.

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Yes, where is socialism in all of that?


I'm actually against any form of Socialism/Communism (not the same).


I'm a Capitalist supporting Soviet Military spending spree. The USSR knew that the only thing that matters: Military. :kill:


Plus, I want to be cool.

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Well since this thread is on top. I now am employed by a research company. They engineer things and I run the samples from said engineer things. The job is only temporary though. And if anyone noticed, yes it is 4:31 am mountain time. I am getting ready for 12 night shifts in a row at 12 hours a shift.

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work for the gov and when im not working or out of country i drive my cars and enjoy being at my house and going on trips with my gf... but u all have made me feel old because u say school and i was never much of a drug user so i dont know much about that shit haha...

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A 15 year-old intern accountant? o__O


Yeah, the story is that I won a business plan presentation in the regional competition and got a scholarship to a college of my choice. One of the judges works for Citibank and he noticed that I was great in financials, economics, and mathematics and hired me. etc etc and here I am.

Edited by Vodka
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Guest The_Monkey

I work at a college as a Web Applications Programmer.


btw, how many more of these "What the hell do you do" threads are there going to be?

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