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Banned for no reason


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1. Abuser name: HT | Malkin

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:7817704

3. What sever: HG office

4. About what time: 12:30

5. PROOF: 1. also he team flashed me twice and i told him about it and he kicked me before that(don't have proof of that check admin logs)

STEAM_0:1:9819404 h2o.Car2oon for 30.00 minutes 2009-02-19 23:28:32 HT | Malkin Office -


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banned for no reason?


hows this. I gave you a timeout because I cannot stand passive aggressive people who egg and poke and push and remain deadpan but still secretly desire to make other players mad. If you continue to complain about a 30 minute timeout, I will perma ban you simply because you bring the good mood of whatever team you are on down.


I cannot stand people who act like you and I will continue to treat you according to your behavior. If you cannot manage to understand why people get so deeply annoyed by the way you behave, perhaps you should have a longer timeout.


I am not the only one who has expressed this reaction to your behavior. And I will gladly perma you if you continue this childish banter.

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honestly i did nothing wrong SORRY for complaining about getting team flashed twice and if u find me annoying(which is only you) mute me in player list i did nothing wrong nor do u have any reason to ban me. please give proof if i did anything!

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I dont want your passive agressive disarming "I did nothing" crap.


I dont want to hear that. What I want is for you to play a game without your Miserable behavior and attitude. Sorry about the teamflash.


No one wants someone acting the way you do on a server. And it is not only me.


trust me.

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I get kicked all the time. I laugh about it.


I dont give warning to people who dont listen. Especially when I would rather the peace and quiet of you not being around.


if that is abuse, so be it.


Go away for awhile. If I see you in a server, ill leave it. from now on, I have no love for you.


Try not to be so miserable all the time. And stop fooling yourself.


but if you talk to me or make one passive agressive comment to me, ill ban you again if I havent left already.

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I was in office later than night, he tried to antagonize me some more...


I was smart enough to player list mute him before he got to me. That way he doesn't know he is muted and cant avoid. why didn't i think of that in the first place.


lol. problem solved.

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I recommend you stop trying to catch 22 or circumvent our rules. With nade spamming + w/e spamming. If you look under the admin rules it says "use your powers to keep the server fun." Therefore, when you're spamming in any form gets annoying, we'll take care of it. Music spamming is fine til ppl QQ. You will not get any future warnings. Kthxbai

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my main contention is how he treats other players and attempts to appear like he does nothing wrong.


in my opinion bringing the mood of a server down is guaranteed way to loose many regulars.


so when I see sour attitudes and passive aggressive tactics, I remove the problem in the interest of other peoples moods and my own.


just ask CML. I gave him a timeout a few days ago, but we arent raging at each other. he seems to understand what I was getting at.


In the long run, removing a bad attitude preserves the good mood of a server and again, if that is abuse, so be it.


I would expect admins to give me a timeout if I was bringing people down and refusing to listen too.


because it is in the intrest of retaining a reputation for HG and HT.

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my main contention is how he treats other players and attempts to appear like he does nothing wrong.


in my opinion bringing the mood of a server down is guaranteed way to loose many regulars.


so when I see sour attitudes and passive aggressive tactics, I remove the problem in the interest of other peoples moods and my own.


just ask CML. I gave him a timeout a few days ago, but we arent raging at each other. he seems to understand what I was getting at.


In the long run, removing a bad attitude preserves the good mood of a server and again, if that is abuse, so be it.


I would expect admins to give me a timeout if I was bringing people down and refusing to listen too.


because it is in the intrest of retaining a reputation for HG and HT.


Agreed completely. Not this current situation, but the whole entire "removing people which might cause others to not enjoy their time in NTF" concept.

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