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B4 it Happens


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Ok so I am posting this cause there was like a mini fight just now like 5 mins ago and I rather say something before something wrong spreads.


I was lead like 4 rounds (not in a row) and one round the last time I was lead fract slays me. I dont know wat I did wrong. All he says is Im a sh*%ty lead and I have admin just nice. So I dont know anything. I keep asking him what I did wrong all he says I didnt read MOTD. I dont wanna have any problems I just wanna know y i was slayed.


Just for the record what happened I always say "when I say go, all ts take one step out and face the back wall and freeze (sometimes I say crouch sometimes I dont)* so someone crouched wen they got out so Im like oh i should kill. but then someone gave the arguement that u can do watever wen u get out which i know is true. so im like oh ok that is true so scratch that then bang im slayed so yeah.


i just want to know wat i did wrong so i dont do it again thats all. im sorry if i did anything wrong. its hard to hear anyone speak in the server cuz everyone is always mic spamming so its hard to hear rules.

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I slayed you because you do not know the MOTD, as an admin/HG recruit. A perfect example of this is when you gave orders and the T crouched out of his cell and continued to crouch. You were going to kill him because he was not standing, even though you did not give orders to stand. Above you mention "they got out so Im like oh i should kil" you only questioned yourself because when you were about to kill him the Ts had to explain the MOTD to you. With your earlier failures with lead I decided to slay like I do to others since you do not fully understand the MOTD. Lastly with your admin, stop spamming admin all-chat and saying "I get lead next round, I called it" when that is against the rules, but that does not matter with you because when I told you that you this you continued to say "oh well, when everyone spams i can ect..".


Shame that you were a recruit and you were not in vent until I slayed you.

Edited by fRacture
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Well sounds to me like you fucked up and fracture was just trying to get you to pay attention do what you're doing more...




and fracture next time someone messes up tell them what to look for in the MOTD. Else we have to read these threads on the forum.

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woah woah woah. ok first off i didnt kill anyone. i stopped myself before killing the people crouching and then you slay so you cant say i dont know motd. i do read them. and dont say shame on me. jeez dude a lot of admins on the server and vent (the only reason y i wasnt vent on that time was cause every time im on that and vent i cant hear and if i hear both talk for like more then 10 seconds my pc lags a bit). anyways as i was saying every admin thats on with me always knows I ask before doing anything like that. and the reason y i said i called it was a joke. if you listen carefully i said it would be nice if we can just call the next lead for next round. and then i was saying joking after wards (meaning i laughed afterwards) that i said i called next round.

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