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red=dead :o


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Red does equal dead unless the game is designed for Ts to somehow turn red. If you are red and it is not part of the game then you rebelled in some way, which means you die. This shouldn't be that big of a deal.

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And Now that they're allowed to bait, it gives the trigger happy cts more reasons to kill everyone.


This is incorrect, CTs are not allowed to bait. The rules only made it so that Ts pay the consequences when they knife a CT. If someone is repeatedly baiting then get a demo of it and take it to the t-list forum and get them t-listed.

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>Do not enter areas designated for T's. THIS INCLUDES DELIBERATELY STANDING IN T'S PATH.


Hows that?





So being a douche trying to get T's to stab you = slay


Runnign through an unaware T to get to a better spot = okay

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I'm going to play the same way as I always do. If I don't know why they are red I don't kill them. If you just play like that less CTs will be inclined to be a hard ass. It will just take a while to settle down now that it is not stated in the motd.

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I'm going to play the same way as I always do. If I don't know why they are red I don't kill them. If you just play like that less CTs will be inclined to be a hard ass. It will just take a while to settle down now that it is not stated in the motd.


That's what I do if I am ever CT. But Terrorist is usually the most fun atm.

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or you go red for 5 seconds, then back to normal would be nice, IMO.


I think we are on to something here... If you rebel you turn red for a while (20 seconds maybe?) and then if no one kills you and you successfully hide you change back to normal and try to rejoin the non rebelling Ts? That way it awards Ts who are able to rebel and get away with it.

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red usaully does equal dead,


Except teh rare occasion where its part of a game, knife arena, or throwing a nade at a ct


admins are saying red doesnt equal dead, so you might want to clear that up, and ive seen people killed for throwing a nade at a ct, and while im here i might as well say i personally think the no baiting thing is stupid, a ct jumped over me i knifed him, then that same ct killed me :/

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