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So ummm...yeah

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I'm not sure when and for how long, but at some point I may lose the computer for a while because we are losing our house thanks to the owners being dumb fucks...

long story short: the government is repossessing our house, we're getting kicked out, and i won't be able to get on while we're moving...I'll let you guys know when we move and keep you updated. Also, I'll still be checking in on vent and the forums but i won't be in game from May 29th to July 8th because I'm going with my boyfriend to Georgia and getting away from this hell house XD lawl

don't miss me too much!


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Hopefully you have a sexy phone that can get you by for your basic internet tasks. Don't forget to stockpile your porn for the move. That can be terrible.





I still don't watch porn xD i'm not sure when you guys will get that through your heads haha

and nice ban on both your and Crosshair's parts :own3d: :guyfromhell:

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I still don't watch porn xD i'm not sure when you guys will get that through your heads haha

and nice ban on both your and Crosshair's parts :own3d: :guyfromhell:


There are only two kinds of people; those who look at porn and those who lie about having looked at porn.


Though, statistically speaking, you're probably 14 and I'm in way over my head. *shrug*

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There are only two kinds of people; those who look at porn and those who lie about having looked at porn.


Though, statistically speaking, you're probably 14 and I'm in way over my head. *shrug*



I'm 17 and I believe that why have porn and watch two other people having sex when you could be doing that EXACT same thing. Porn is pointless unless your partner can't get you off or you don't have a partner....or in some cases...you can't get your partner off and it's their decision so you watch it together

personally, I look for romance, not a "get in the bed or GTFO" kind of guy ;)

So porn, therefore, does not exist in my hopeless-romantic lifestyle.

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I'm 17 and I believe that why have porn and watch two other people having sex when you could be doing that EXACT same thing. Porn is pointless unless your partner can't get you off or you don't have a partner....or in some cases...you can't get your partner off and it's their decision so you watch it together

personally, I look for romance, not a "get in the bed or GTFO" kind of guy ;)

So porn, therefore, does not exist in my hopeless-romantic lifestyle.


Oh, I've heard this one before.


I think boredom is a more than a contributing factor when it comes to consumption of porn in the Western Hemisphere. This is kind of completely off topic, though.

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Guest The_Monkey

I'm 17 and I believe that why have porn and watch two other people having sex when you could be doing that EXACT same thing. Porn is pointless unless your partner can't get you off or you don't have a partner....or in some cases...you can't get your partner off and it's their decision so you watch it together

personally, I look for romance, not a "get in the bed or GTFO" kind of guy ;)

So porn, therefore, does not exist in my hopeless-romantic lifestyle.




Then there are those of us who are archiving all of the porn out there for anthropological purposes ;)

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