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NKorea warns of war if punished for ship sinking (AP)

Ron Burgundy

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Thats just what we need to improve US and the worlds economy another war.......


ohh and dont forget China could get involved O.o

If we're following the first korean war, then china will get involved and russia will get involved too but say they aren't.

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Within minutes of North Korea declaring war on South Korea, Seoul would be leveled by the artillery lined up at the border. They have been planning this for a while...and when it happens, we are deploying troops to the war there. We're bound by treaty to help them protect themselves so yeah, won't be fun.

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isn't it north korea Vs. USA, canada, South Korea...etc?


go ahead, get your whole army slaughtered...


Well should this escalate it will probably be NK, China vs USA, SK, and Japan. With a slew of extra smaller countries putting in their support financially or by producing munitions.



Dr Jiggles.


War does improve the economy. More money coming in, more soldiers going out. Simple math, more money less people. Plus you could look at the statistics after every modern war. WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm. War makes money through munitions production, vehicle production, housing, well pretty much everything about war will me you money.



General Red.


There is a huge part of my psyche that agrees with you whole heartedly. Escalting from such a mundane act of violence would be asinine. Not only would it set a precendence for lives lost in a foreign conflict, it would open the door for aggression from the big super power in the area. We probably should let it be. Let the "gooks" figure it out. But we won't. We're Americans. If we can't fuck up someone else's home no one will!



Just from what I've read in this story and my knowledge of american wars, there are 2 possibilities as to what happened on that day.


1) Said SK ship got a little too close to the unilateral line and crazy NK fucktards say "nah uh" BOOM. Deny deny deny.


2) Said SK ship got a little too close to the unilateral line and crazy Chinese fucktards say "nah uh" BOOM. How unfortunate.


Both are very plausible. NK has dreamt of a unified Korea since '45 when the Pacific conflict ended (for the young kids thats why the korean war started in the first place in 1950). China also wants a unified Korea, under communist rule, so that Korea will be easier to assimalate into China.


And I... just want everyone to get stoned and fuck <3



Love Always, Trogdong

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Within minutes of North Korea declaring war on South Korea, Seoul would be leveled by the artillery lined up at the border. They have been planning this for a while...and when it happens, we are deploying troops to the war there. We're bound by treaty to help them protect themselves so yeah, won't be fun.


Well partially right. It probably wouldn't be "within minutes" of declaring war that NK would start bombardment. They would use the element of suprise and bombard at the same time of the declaration. Maybe even a minute before. If NK does declare war, they have the freedom to do so. After the stalemate in '53 an armistice was signed by the USA, China and SK. NK refused to sign. So in a NK (I'M A FUCKING RETARD) mind, they are still at war.


And we are not bound by treaty to support SK. We are bound by the armistice not to initiate any conflict. But you are right that the USA would almost definetly come to SK's aid in such an event.

Edited by Weeman
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