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Official List of Jailbreak Games


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This is the Official List of Jailbreak Games usually played on Jailbreak. The point of this list is to educate new players on the rules of each game.

A big thanks to Ricky2442

and TwiztiD1 for helping me acquire all the required photographs/information.




A list of BANNED games can be found here: Jailbreak Banned Games


The Current Jailbreak Motd: Jailbreak Motd


If you have any questions don't hesitate to post on the Jailbreak forums: Jailbreak Forums




Jailbreak Map

If you are unaware of where a certain location is in Jailbreak refer to this map made by Dan.









All T's may go where ever they want and may do anything they wish. CT's may not kill T's unless if they rebel by inflicting damage upon CT's.

There are many variations of freedays where the Lead CT specifies the rules for that round.

Some popular ones are:

  • Zombie Freeday (explained below)
  • Astronaut dog day (crouch and jump constantly)
  • Techno free day (dancing and flashlight constantly)
  • Twister free day (constantly do 360 spins)
  • Panda Freeday (crouch from side to side)

Zombie Freeday

A variation of a normal freeday. T's may walk anywhere on the map unless limits are specified and may knife (or only left-click knife) CT's depending on orders given. CT's may not kill T's for knifing them and may only kill T's who are breaking the wardens original rules. A CT may then allow T's to run, climb..etc by 'making' them into "Super Zombies".


Note: Being a super zombie does NOT allow terrorists to shoot weapons, contrary to popular belief


First Reaction, Last Reaction

Lead CT will give orders such as crouch, stand, do a 360 spin and will add First Reaction or Last Reaction before their order. If the CT says First Reaction, the first T to fulfill the order will be killed. If the CT says Last Reaction, the last T to fulfill the order will be killed. To decrease the amount of accidental freekills, CT's are encouraged to choose a "Designated Shooter". Once they do this only the CT('s) mentioned will be able to kill losing T's.



Lead CT will type out a question or say it over his microphone and the first T to answer correctly will get a benefit such as selecting a T to die or picking their !lr partner. (Note: CT's may award different benifits to the ones stated above)


Spray Contest

All T's have a specified amount of time to spray their spray on the spray contest wall. The highest or lowest spray wins depending on orders. Winner then gets a benefit awarded from lead CT. (Usually Played with few T's)



All T's get into individual race stalls. They will run to the other side of the race track upon hearing a word/sound that lead CT specifies. The lead CT will then specify who dies and any additional rules such as running back.


Opinionated Days

T's will be given a destination to go if they wish to participate in the opinionated game and a destination if they don't want to participate in the opinionated game. (Usually on top of "big cage" for playing and "inside of big cage" for not playing.)


Examples of Opinionated Games are:

  • Joke Day- T's are required to produce a funny joke.
  • Why Are You Here? - T's are to explain why they are in Jail (in-game)
  • Talent Show - T's show CT's their talents (in-game)
  • Skill test - CT's test the skill of a T by giving them a task to do.
  • American Idol Day- T's are required to sing a song.
  • Name a Movie Day/Other Variations - T's are required to name a "good"/"bad" movie.

There are many more that are played. Always ask lead CT to explain the opinionated game if you are unsure of its rules. Lead CT must give the option of not participating to T's.


War Day

When a war day is called, all CT's must assemble in an area designated by the lead CT and let the T's out of their cells. T's go to armory and get guns, and then both teams attempt to kill the other. CT's may NOT camp armory then T's go to get guns and they not be within visual range of the armory door. War days must be called immediately at the round's beginning. Time limits for the start of the war may be given. War days cannot be started mid-round, nor can they be canceled. CT's may specify a time to "Search & Destroy" which means they are able to leave the designated area and kill the T's outside of it.



During an Isengard day (often referred to as "Taking the hobbits to Isengard"), The T's form a train and go to some location. Lead CT will pick one T to lead the train and the rest of the T's must follow the chosen T.


Fountain Jump

During the fountain jump game, T's are required to jump onto the fountain from the top of the solitary confinement cell. Lead CT will either specify to jump to the middle tier or will not specify anything at all. The fountain jump is most often performed with a time limit.



The order may be given to crouch to obstacle course. In the obstacle course, the goal is to jump from platform to platform(known as tiers) in order to get to the end. If you fall into the water, you will automatically die. CT's may also give time limits for how long you may be on a platform.


Evil Simon Says

The lead CT gives orders and says "Evil Simon Says" before the order. The proper way to begin a game Evil Simon Says is by saying:"We are going to play 'Evil' Simon Says, 'Evil' Simon says I am 'Evil' Simon and will start giving orders. If you don't perform the order when "Evil" Simon Says is said you are killed. Likewise, if the CT does not say "Evil" Simon Says and you perform the order you are killed. In addition to this, the last T to perform the order is killed. To end Evil Simon Says the lead CT must say "Evil Simon is now over." Lead CT may not use word traps.


Alternatively, this game may be played without the Evil prefix and both the prefix and variable (simon) may be changed.


300 Day

A global knife fight is held in a location such as Shot4Shot. CT's must dispose of their guns before entering the knife fight. Lead CT may not participate in order to kill any rebelling T's. (T's not participating in the knife fight.)


Pirate Day (Requires admin !slap command)

Ct's check for rebeller and then get all T's to the center of the top of the big cage. An admin slaps all T's as a story is given by a player. All T's who fall of the big cage are killed. T's who reach the ladder on the back of the big cage are spared and cant be killed. CT's must not be on the sides or back of the big cage and must remain in the front of the big cage through out the entire game.



All T's line up behind jeopardy beacons. Lead CT asks a trivia question over a microphone. First T to press their jeopardy button answers the question. They must answer in the Jeopardy format by inserting "What is...", "Who is...", "Where is...." etc, to the beginning of their answer.


Soda Jump

All T's assemble on the top of sauna/infirm and must try to jump and land on the first or second vending machine. Lead CT will specify time and amount of jumps each individual has. If you fall and hit the ground you will die. CT's must give reasonable amounts of jumps and time.


Red Light/Green Light

All T's assemble at the back wall of the starting end of the Red Light, Green Light area. Once lights turn green T's race to the opposite end of the Red Light, Green Light jumping over obstacles in their way. When the lights turn red all T's must freeze on the spot. Lead CT determines the benefits winners get the punishment losers get. Lights are controlled by a button on the outside of Red Light, Green Light near the side of obstacle. Alternatively, the lead CT may do a Backwards Red Light, Green Light where Red = Go and Green = Stop.


Global Race Day

All T's stack in a particular area and lead CT tells them the name of a destination on the map. Last T to reach the destination will die. Lead CT may change how many people die for coming last.


Cheese and Crackers

All T's gather up in one side of the Shot4Shot cage. Lead CT tells T's what their side is called and then tells T's what the opposite side is called. When lead CT says the name of one side T's must run to that side and the last T past the yellow line will die. Lead CT may also add an extra command such as "Jump whenever I say Bannana." Lead CT decides what words are used but the game's name is accepted by the Jailbreak community as Cheese and Crackers.


Pokemon Day

All T's go to the top of the big cage and lead CT asks a trivia question. Winner of the trivia question is now the t's "Pokemon Master" and must stand on the big cage sign. All other T's make a semi-circle around him on top of the big cage. The CT Lead is the CT's pokemon master. Both Pokemon Masters choose a teammate to knife fight the other chosen enemy. CT's must not have any guns when knife fighting. The winner of the fight gets 25 extra healthpoints. The Pokemon Master may then choose to replace him or keep him out. The Pokemon Masters may also do 2vs2, 3vs3, 4vs4 ..etc matche


Pool Race

All T's position themselves behind the yellow line in pool ready to race. Lead CT specifies a word to start the race. Upon hearing the specified word T's run to other side of race and may be required to knife the back wall, spray the back wall or simply just return depending on lead CT's orders. Lead CT will determine the prizes of winners and punishment of losers prior to the race.



T's choose a corner on the top of the big cage. Lead CT types a corner in CT-team chat. The designated corner will then be executed. This is often combined with trivia allowing the trivia winner to choose a corner to die.


Zombie lead

Lead chooses a t with mic and lead gives gibberish orders and selected t translates the gibberish to regular orders and all ts do those orders.


Word Game

T's line up in a line or a circle and face the T's in front of them or next to them. Each T types out a word one by one in order. If a T types a word that does not make sense when added to all previous words the T dies. Lead CT may add rules and must state whether capitalization matters.


If a game is not on the above list it does not mean that it can't be played.

I have just outlined the most popular ones.


Lava Day

All T's are on top of railing, or soda machine or somewhere not ground, and have to jump somewhere, if they touch ground they die. But lead cant tarp them example -> saying all ts get inside big cage while doing this day and kill them cause they touched the ground, if lead gives order to get inside big cage, then its a new order and the lava day is not longer affective.


Any game can be played on Jailbreak as long as:

  • Its not on the Official Jailbreak Banned Games List
  • It does not break any rules in the MOTD.

Edited by Bonbon
lava day
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What about foursquare.


T's choose a corner on the top of big cage after lead ct type a corner to die in team chat. That designated corner will be executed.




Added to the list and I will soon get a picture for it.

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can we do panda free days?


Astronaut dog day (crouch and jump constantly)

Techno free day (dancing and flashlight constantly)

Twister free day (constantly do 360's)

(im sure u can combine these into /freedays)

Pool race?


and forgot regular Simon Says


ill let u know if i think of anymore, FANTASTIC LIST!


Edit: Vending maching jump!

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can we do panda free days?


Astronaut dog day (crouch and jump constantly)

Techno free day (dancing and flashlight constantly)

Twister free day (constantly do 360's)

(im sure u can combine these into /freedays)

Pool race?


and forgot regular Simon Says


ill let u know if i think of anymore, FANTASTIC LIST!


Edit: Vending maching jump!


He put the most played games.


He doesn't need to put ALL the games...

Read at the bottom of his post.


If a game is not on the above list it does not mean that it can't be played.

I have just outlined the most popular ones.


Any game can be played on Jailbreak as long as:

  • Its not on the Official Jailbreak Banned Games List
  • It does not break any rules in the MOTD.

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A lotta other servers have maps that actually have a 4 square box in it. Locks u in. Selects a corner and kills everyone in it.


it helps if u want a fun CONTROLLED game when people are rebelling like fuck.


After you reduce some population/rebelers, it makes it more managable.


Its fun IMHO. even as a T, its kinda exciting to pick a corner etc.

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and forgot regular Simon Says



Alternatively, this game may be played without the Evil prefix and both the prefix and variable (simon) may be changed.



Astronaut dog day (crouch and jump constantly)

Techno free day (dancing and flashlight constantly)

Twister free day (constantly do 360's)

(im sure u can combine these into /freedays)

Pool race?


^Added Pool Race, all other freedays are not played too often but ill add a small section to the freeday section.


All staff/council/anyone with forum permissions feel free to reword anything I have written.

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Evolving (any animal) freeday.

Super Guppy freeday.

Desert Day.

Faithless Day, Beast Day, JJK Day.

Freekill Days

Thats JB ^


Step into my office for I have somethings I would like to tell you.


I have made many new days that people enjoy yet I need some help. I would like all those who know me to spread my games to others when I am not there and now I will tell you how. Read below the following games I have made up and how to play them.


Animal Day




Opionated - So give T's a chance to play it or another option.


Can be played with Mic or without if without have them copy and paste to save time.


Call T to Big Cage Sign and ask What Kinda of Animal would you like to be in JB and why? Be creative once they give you there answer here some examples below.


Dog - Go hump a ct's Leg till he dies


Kangroo - You must Jump everywhere you go and Punch Ct's in Face


Rabbit - Crouch Jump anywhere and bite anyone that gets in your way


Note - Fish or water animals must be in Pool or area with water to survive.


Side note: This day is usually fun and would be recommended to keep to a limit of T's 15 - 21 max for you are limited in time.


BONUS - Here is a secret I am giving you if time is running out have remaining T's On top of BIG CAGE be a group of Poo Throwing monkeys this way they can move and enjoy the rest of time. Please give this order at the 40 sec. mark thnx.




As Soon as round starts and your lead make sure T's with smokes don't waste them because they have the Best Part of this day!!!




Have all those go to bottom of Cell stairs then divide them by the class they like most except smoker for smoke nade is required.


Ask Boomers to go to DEAGLE CAGE


Ask Hunters to go to INSIDE of BIG CAGE


Ask Smokers (guys with smoke nades) to go to TOP of BIG CAGE



BOOMERS - Only allowed to Crouch everywhere and they may only puke once which is them standing up and charging for 15 secs.


HUNTERS - Must Bhop/Jump everywhere as if they were jumping off the walls they may run only if getting shot at *ONLY REASON THEY GET SHOT AT IS IF THEY ARE USING GUNS!!!!*


SMOKERS - Only 3 or less they got the smoke nade and will be rewarded they are allowed to use sniping rifles only (scout/awp) This is there tongues and killing you at a distance is like the smoker who pulls people at distances to kill them.


Note - If time is running out shorten this day to your abilities so time does not get wasted


BONUS - If time is running out make sure you say now when I say the Magical word GO you will start the Outbreak so everyone knows smokers are only ones with guns and thats rifles Boomers crouch unless puking and hunters Jump everywhere unless getting shot at. .... Okay you may go START THE OUTBREAK.


Watch everyone move then let your Survivors *The Ct's Kill them for epic tarp* Remaining zombies after the derps been controlled will then be release by Magical word Go. Enjoy this day.




Simple Day get all T's to Bottom of Cell Stairs for starters.


They have two choices and only two INSIDE OF BIG CAGE and DEAGLE INSIDE OF DEAGLE CAGE


Ask them questions to know more about your fellow T's make them funny or they will rebel.


Examples Below:


If you have a 3 in. Penis go inside of Big Cage if its longer then 3 in. Go Inside of Deagle Cage.


If you ever masturbated to a messed up porno go inside of Big Cage if not go Inside of Deagle Cage.


If you thought a family member was hot and you wanted to fuck them go inside of Big Cage if not go Inside of Deagle Cage.


If you think Dullknife is Gay and wants to make love to J14sK11L go to inside of Big Cage if not go Inside of Deagle Cage.




Note: This day is meant for laughs and giggles along with WTF questions that are still with in reason. NO RACISM, SEXIEST QUESTIONS please and thnx.


Bonus: When the timer hits 30 secs ask them If you like a Cookie and Hug from Lead go to Big Cage if not go INSIDE OF DEAGLE CAGE. Then run up to big cage unarmed and die/slay self.




Fun day to train fellow players to become Ninja's


First get them to bottom of cell stairs.


Then Ask them to jump on railing closest to them and not fall off. Have them run to railing closest to Vip shingles


Have them jump to VIP shingles those that missed will die for they are not even worthy to train to be a ninja.


Now have your Ninja's Jump back to railing from VIP shingles if they miss freeze make it freeze. *If they do not freeze Kill them For Ninja's DON'T Run*


Note : Anytime someone misses jump up to lead if they should die I give them one more chance for they are at my Ninja School. If your like me have them that froze go back up ladder to Vip and retry jump from Shingles to Railing. If they miss you may kill them and tell them they failed ninja school*


Have remaining Ninja's Run swiftly across the railing to Solitary and jump from railing to solitary. Freeze if they make it or Freeze if they missed.


Note: If they miss you may have them run up cell stairs and try again or not your choice as lead I usually do.


They miss again you may kill them for they have failed you as a ninja.


Those that made the jump to solitary then make the 2nd Tier Fountain Jump if they make it Freeze Miss it Freeze.


Note: You need at least 2 for !lr if more make it be happy give them 2 chances no matter what more if two are not on fountain.


BONUS: Usually you will have ended the day because only 2 made it but if lucky and have more have the remaining failures die and have the Ninja Pro's Follow you to Obs. Once in Obs. Do a 3rd Tier on and off Obs in 1 jump. Or 6th Tier Jump It is Possible I have done both. If they wish to be masters they must do it. If they decline do Lr/Fr for they are no Ninja Masters and must be punished for shaming you. Then you should have !lr.


Hurricane Day


Get All T's to Bottom of Cell Stairs type question to have one T Picked to be Eye of the storm. Once T is picked have him beacon


He is allowed to go anywhere he likes but must walk for the Eye of the Storm is Calm. T's will need to run around him and be close to him and not stray off anything caught in storm will Die. *RED DOES NOT = DEAD UNLESS THEY ARE USING GUNS!!*


Note: Any T going stray or running off can be shot for they left the storm.


Note: Lead can restrict some area's


Bonus: Suggest Eye to go to Obs. and if T's don't follow him Kill them.


Sry Guys I am really Tired and have busy Day Tomm. With Going to Church, A BBQ with Work, Finish Part 2 With Wolfman and Hippie Story Time I will only be post 5 tonight. I hope you guys and girls enjoy them. If someone would like to edit this to make it better I have no problems with that. I hope these days get used for they are fun. :drugs::pc::cheers:








Edited by Dullknife
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More Idea's *Pulls Folder out of cabinet.*



Again Guys Use these days make our Jailbreak Server Fun Use or own idea's and thoughts for some days here again are just some of mine that seem to be favorited when played.



Harry Potter Day



Tell T's to take on step out of there cells to get their robes on. Tell them to freeze for measurments and face back wall.


Then Have all T's walk to the bottom of Cell Stairs for they are getting on the Hogwarts Express Train. No Jumping otherwise Muggles will see you.


Next Have them Crouch without jumping to the Top of Big Cage for they are in the Boats with hagrid and might fall in the Lake water and Die.


Once there on top of Big Cage unstack on the highest point facing S4S (Shot for Shot) Sign. Tell them they don't know magic but they do know math so Dumbledore will ask them a math question and who ever answers it first will be offered a spell.


Note : I usually do 3 spells to give them a choice. You do not have to infact if you limited the spells to keep or pass this might be more fun as trivia then. :D


Once T answers it right ask them to jump on Big Cage Sign for Dumbledore is a Old man. Once he see's you he offers you 3 spells.




You may have all T's fly on top of the big cage as quidditch but if they fall off they die as if falling from a broom.


You learn a Dark spell and you kill lead by saying forbidden Words ( Lead then slays himself ) Try to save this for later down the line.


You and your fellow Hogwars Students transform into Demintor Fighters and knife battle them away with your wands (hint Knife). This breaks out a knife battle fight with everyone.


All Cts or Lead Ct becomes froze to the spell Immobulus.


Everyone Gets Pumpkin Juice and you all throw a party on top of Big Cage with flashlights as light shows.


Note : not all cts will freeze. Another note if you choice yourself to freeze make sure its in a good spot. :)


Think of more there is 5 there for you to get started.


This day usually is fun again if its to complicated just make it a fun Trivia Game asking them to keep or pass the prize. Again Examples above.


Note: If they pass then no one can have it they just threw it away.


Bonus: Best Prize I offer is Apperate (This means they can dissappear and reapper anyone where they like which usually means armory :D)





Its a fun day again get all T's to the top of Big Cage Unstacked at the highest point facing s4s (Shot for Shot) Sign then freeze.


Note: This will be opionated so give them 2nd choice. Also I would get them to cell Stairs first to keep it some what clean from rioters.


Once done with those that don't want to play call your first T Down to Big Cage Sign.


Note: Mic or No Mic. as Long as they type faster then 15 secs. You should be fine. I would recommend mic. But you will be lead so try it.


Ask the T a question of This or That.


Different Examples for this game so I have two for you guys Example A and Example B. Read Both to get idea.

Example A


Scout or Awp??


T - Awp


Lead - Go find awp with 10 shots or less have fun.




Example B


type in ct chat answer. Blue


Ask T Red or Blue?


T - red FTW!!!!


Lead - Wrong *kills T* next?


Keep it kinda limited say 14 - 26 T's No more. less is okay. Again this is a fun opionated day so Give them a choice.


Here is two more idea's for some reason i lost a folder so ... Give me time to find it with some ideas I made up. Thnx guys Have a amazing Day. Also Enjoy your time in JB with these games.

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