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Computer Freeze


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Hey Guys,


My computer freezes/has been freezing for about 6 months now. I can't fix it, please help.



Currently Windows Vista x86


Intel ® Pentium® D CPU 3.40GHz. 3400 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)

VIA Intergrated GFX

BIOS: Award Software Inc. F4 11/01/2007

Mother Board: GIGABYTE GA-8VM800PMD-775-RH


GA-8VM800PMD-775-RH - GIGABYTE - Product - Motherboard - Overview



Things Ive Tried:

  • Reinstall Windows (Went from vista to xp to win7 back to vista) (currently vista)
  • Reformat C Drive
  • Delete all programs, leave computer clean for a while.
  • Remove seperate pieces of hardware.
  • Update BIOS
  • My friend even took a look at it and done some troubleshooting, heat tests.


Thinks I havn't tried:

  • Formating All Drives
  • I dont know!


So please help. Note this is an old computer but I have no idea why its not working. Hardware/software is intact.


It sometimes freezes (rare) at BIOS so I did BIOS update with same problem. Usually freezes in the boot cycle. Sometimes boots, runs for a minute then freezes. But if you boot and run it for longer than a minute then it wont freeze until you reboot.


Hope you can Help!

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may i suggest runnign a memtest


or swap our ram sticks if you have extra


Seconded. Bad RAM can fsk everything up at random intervals.


You might also want to run a CPU/GPU testing app to get it nice and hot. I'm having problems with my airflow after putting a second video card in. I have to cool the case with an industrial fan or it will seize after a bit in game.

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