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Youtube Gone MAD?!


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Hello, Well I just signed into youtube and I get this message:






The video was about how to get into peoples stuff through Firefox like going to the history and seeing the passwords that who logged on the computer. Well apparently I broke a guideline? I read the guidelines and I don't see which one I broke? Also I made that video like 2 years ago... Has YouTube gone mad!?!

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Hello, Well I just signed into youtube and I get this message:






The video was about how to get into peoples stuff through Firefox like going to the history and seeing the passwords that who logged on the computer. Well apparently I broke a guideline? I read the guidelines and I don't see which one I broke? Also I made that video like 2 years ago... Has YouTube gone mad!?!


If it's how to see other people's passwords then obviously they are going to remove it. If it was about seeing your own passwords then they wouldn't

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You don't know what window hes using? :n00b:



Anyways, youtube will remove videos that are harmful to other peoples computers so that every person that gets on youtube can hack each others accounts so on so forth. Hacking is illegal and if people learned it from their site, it would come back to haunt youtube, probably sue them.


Just change the title to something like your own pw and bookmarks and in the video mention that its your computer and pw and bookmarks. not someone elses.

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all in all, use some common sense and dont come crying to us about "omg youtoob is mean and dont know shizz about there roolz..."


take a moment, make a PB&J and just ponder a bit.


do us a favor and use your frontal lobe some....



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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm fairly sure that's windows 2000.


I don't think Steam is compatible w/ 95 or 98.


Windows 2000? XD this is windows XP Professional! I have tuneup utilities and it said, to make my system faster is to set the windows theme to "Windows Classic".



Hack forums??


One of the forums I talk in.

Edited by Foos-meels
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