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Rare Picture!!!


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this is good news :)


but the funny thing is, if he would just allow us to install sourcemod, we could have already taken care of gban and mwa a long time ago. he's making it harder on himself by re-creating the wheel. i know homer is good at writing eventscripts, and the fact that he wrote his own gban script is quite an accomplishment... but there are already several free, very professional global ban and administrator setup utilities that are well supported and frankly, they just work better.


like, mwa... everyone knows its a pain to work with. there's not even a find or search feature. and you can't delete an entry once you add it?? that's just bad design. so why do we stick with it when there are better alternatives?

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I fiound something a little better than a picture


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Yes i have found the ban list LAWL! It is from 07 tho... Look on page 27 to see bort massive banning because people insulted his wonderful mullet!

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i copied those 27 pages and wrote a program to extract the SteamIDs. only the permanent ones. Then I removed duplicate entries. It ended up with a list of 3491 permanently banned steamIDs which I uploaded to a text file for you here:




If everyone gives me their \cstrike\cfg\banned_user.cfg file, I have a program which will combine them all without duplicates, and I'll post back the consolidated ban list for you to use.

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