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A Message for Fox?


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So today i have my yearly check-up at the Doctors to see if im in good health. it turns our im prefect in health. They did the usual....check my ears, my throat, spine etc. Then the fun part, The doctor had to check my boys out. He asked me if i wanted a Nurse or a Doctor to check me out. Of course I said Nurse (Duh). So she walks in the room, she was hot nurse! She told me to pull down my underwear, she then pulled my robe up and i noticed her eyes kind of opened a little (as if she was......amazed).


Its a sign that im gifted!

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Fox: "Yeah! I'm getting touched in the genitals by a female! This is going on the internet when I get home!"

Nurse: "Holy shit. Those are some really small balls. He must be from the internet."



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