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admin abuse awwik, motive


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1. Abuser name: [HG] awwik, -hg- motive

2. Their Steam Id:

3. What server: jb

4. About what time: 1:10






6. Please tell us about the incident:

I was playing as a T when ATT-FTL as a CT walked into a group of Ts, I shout on the mic "who is this baiting idiot, im gonna slay you", I then knifed ATT-FTL, ATT-FTL then killed me because I was red. I slayed ATT-FTL because he master baited. The slay was justified and my intension was clear. - It was not like I slayed ATT-FTL because he killed me and I was mad. I slayed him because he baited, simple!


Then motive felt like he should change my name because he thought "people are confusing my name with his" without asking me to change it myself first, despite my name was "Hi motive, im not volks", and I've been using that name for weeks everytime he was on, without any complaint from other people. This is clearly abuse as he is suppose to use admin power on other admin.


Finally awwik came to the server pissed at me and use all chat saying stuff like volks I do not appreciate being called up to the server for your abuse. This is clearly abuse as he is suppose to use admin chat to discuss admin matter, he just felt like using all chat to embarrass me. Awwik then said on all chat again "volks, if you ever changed your name to mimic the names of other admin im going to report you" I felt this as a threat as:

1. I was not trying to make people confuse my name with motive, though I did not like motive used admin power to change my name, I did not change my name back after it had been changed back to "VOLKSW00T".

2. Talk like I always fuck up, admins are suppose to trust each other. What do you think I felt like when you come up to the server just to give me a lecture?


Then I was like fine, you threatened me and humiliated me in public, I am not going to just sit there. I changed my name to "aww weak" just for a laugh. Awwik saw my new name and did not like it he then used !rename command trying to change my name. He failed at using the command after a few attempts, then ask me to change it myself, I changed my name as soon as he asked. Awwik felt like I humiliated him and decided to still give me a kick. This is clearly abuse because you just don't kick other admins, even when you're pissed.


Bottom lines, If you are going to tell me "volks, take a hike, we've got enough drama on jailbreaks", I'd have to say nope, as I will not take a hike this time. Because I did not start this fight, If ATT-FTL complained to me saying I free-slayed him, I would just reconsider my actions and most of the time I will just admit it was my bad and apologize. But this is not the case, those who are against me decided to brought in more admins and escalate things before I even get to explain what happened.

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I'll go ahead and look at this when I get home. I was using admin chat and I have a demo of it. So i'm playing d&d right now and I won't be done untill later tonight. You as an admin should not be "trolling". With your name. You should not be using motives name and you should not be acting immature and change your name to resemble mine. You free slayed and I was asked to come in. When I came in I saw you spamming all chat and people raging over your name being motives.

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As I said I did not intend to make people confuse my name with motive's. I did not change it back to "Hi motive im not volks" after motive changed my name. And it was not freeslay, even if it was, should the person I slayed made strong complain I would just back down and apologize. You came onto the server just because "oh, volks' fuck up again, I guess I'll just go onto the server and see if I can lecture him" Looking to pick up a fight, that's immature.

Edited by VOLKSW00T
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I don't see what your problem is. You always come into jailbreak and change your name to "hi motive, im not volks" just to start problems. People were saying that I freeslayed, so I changed your name so there wouldn't be a mix up. It's not like I changed it to kkk all day, I changed it to your real name.

Edited by JJK
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Exactly how am I trying to start problem by changing my name to "hi motive, im not volks" ? You did not complain about it in the past. You just felt like using your admin power and change my name without even asking me first because you have a bad day today. That's how you start problems.

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I was on at the time of the incident and Awwik was not slandering VOLKSW00T in ALL chat, it was ADMIN chat.

^ Volks he was complaining because someone was complaining you free slayed them, and because of your name they thought you were motive.

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