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Hacked accounts

Chicken Wings

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Several HG member accounts have been hacked so DO NOT CLICK ON STRANGE LINKS. Even if the person is in HG do not click it unless you know its reliable. Do not trust Steam powered pages. People have create websites that look exactly like steam but are fakes. Most common endings on the sites are .tk .ne this message "Hey yo! CSS BETA IS BACK AVIABLE !! Check it out! A caution to all of you.

Edited by Chicken Wings
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I got keylogged, I didn't click a link. However I did manage to get 2 IP's of they guy who keylogged me.




It's time we attack, I've created this map to show where we need to go.


Edited by Enjuaguese
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I think this has something to do with the guy that keeps coming into Jailbreak at 1:00 in the morning and causing a boatload of trouble. Sock has banned him so many times i lost count, but he keeps coming back. Sock has said he steals peoples accounts by sending them links to websites. He always has a different username everytime he comes back, but u can tell its him by his stupid voice and quirky comments.

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I think this has something to do with the guy that keeps coming into Jailbreak at 1:00 in the morning and causing a boatload of trouble. Sock has banned him so many times i lost count, but he keeps coming back. Sock has said he steals peoples accounts by sending them links to websites. He always has a different username everytime he comes back, but u can tell its him by his stupid voice and quirky comments.


if he's sending out links record a demo so he can get perm'd? Then we will have less accounts getting hi-jacked

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if he's sending out links record a demo so he can get perm'd? Then we will have less accounts getting hi-jacked


Please do. They'll be gone so fast, it might shake the gay off of all of you Jailbreakers.


Also, "HACKED" implies that it wasn't completely, totally and entirely your fault your account was compromised. Please use proper nomenclature; geeks know where you live.



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I think this has something to do with the guy that keeps coming into Jailbreak at 1:00 in the morning and causing a boatload of trouble. Sock has banned him so many times i lost count, but he keeps coming back. Sock has said he steals peoples accounts by sending them links to websites. He always has a different username everytime he comes back, but u can tell its him by his stupid voice and quirky comments.

It doesn't.

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I think this has something to do with the guy that keeps coming into Jailbreak at 1:00 in the morning and causing a boatload of trouble. Sock has banned him so many times i lost count, but he keeps coming back. Sock has said he steals peoples accounts by sending them links to websites. He always has a different username everytime he comes back, but u can tell its him by his stupid voice and quirky comments.


He is IP banned from the servers since this morning.

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