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Check this out. I want you to lay down in a dark room on your comfy bed, put on some really good headphones, and listen to this youtube video. It's not the BEST quality, but it should be good enough for starters.




i-Doser is this really cool program that plays binaural brainwave signals to give you different mental effects. I'll link website here.







btw that Gates of Hades is suppose to be one of the most freaky ones! Be careful, some people aren't effected that much, but other people are!

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This actually made me tir-...ZZzzzZZZzzz.....AHHHHHH HOLY SHIT. I actually heard of these things before, there pretty effective...but I've never heard of this one.


Now it feels like I'm going through time.




I heard this was very calming too


Edited by Enjuaguese
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