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"Admins don't have to do anything."


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That is the message heard quite a lot of times on the server from many of the newer admins and even some of the older ones. It's basically a slap in the face to players who play on the servers.


Take for example this one CT (yes, it's the jailbreak server unfortunately) who freekilled 6 players in a round. Only until 2 rounds later when he freekilled an admin did the admin actually do anything, which I think he just banned the player for so long.


So, it seems like they don't care what happens if it doesn't effect them, but the minute it does effect them they use their fullest abilities against the individual(s).


I know administrators are volunteers. I know they pay for it themselves. Yes, I know this. But that leaves no excuse to half-ass it or to just outright be rude when people are asking for their assistance.



The whole point of having administrators on a server is to make it more fun for the players who play on that server by dealing with the asshats and jackasses. However, if an admin doesn't do that and instead only directly deals with people who do something against them, or mute those who talk over them (see that a few times), then they're just making the server better only for themselves and leaving it a shithole for the rest of the players.

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Let me...elaborate.


Admins are the ones who fund our servers. A bulk of our operating costs are from admin purchases. When someone purchases admin, they are essentially buying a reserve slot, and the ability to administrate the server, as they see fit (in following the rules we have set forth, of course). Now, let me also elaborate (for the 100th time) the server is a large server. Admins can't always see everything going on all the time. And what one person might see as freekilling might not be.


Now, you say that admins only think of themselves. What of the people that cry freekill? I can say with a good amount of assurance that roughly 70 percent of all freekill claims made on the server are people just butthurt they couldn't do what they wanted that round, or that their interpretation of the rules did not coincide with the flow of the round.


And let me say this, one more time (and I will guarantee, right now, it will be the last), if you see freekills or abuse, REPORT IT.


Coming into the forums crying about it does absolutely nothing. If you aren't a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem.

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