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Global Agenda Update Released


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Updates to Global Agenda have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:




  • Oathbreaker Boost: Healing reduction on enemies changed from 100 to 50. Damage to targets moved from 150 to 75. Amount healed moved from 150 to 75.
  • Super Smash Boost: The boost now increases assault damage resistance by 25% (previously 500%). No changes to knockback.
  • AvA
    • The minimum time that an agency can be open for production has been changed from 1 hour to 2 hours.
    • Any territory you own that is ***EITHER*** not contiguous to your Headquarters ****OR**** more than 2 hexes away from your HQ, is subject to the hex being automatically opened for 1 hour at random intervals outside of your normal production open time.
    • The more total territory your agency owns, the more likely individual hexes are to be auto-opened.
    • No hexes will be automatically opened within the first 12 hours after closing production, allowing for a safe period. The more time that has passed since you last opened for production, the more likely your hexes are to be opened.
    • Any territory that is both close to your HQ and contiguous to your HQ is "safe" from these open events, so agencies are encouraged to put their highest value facilities within this safe ring and to work diligently to maintain continuity between hexes.




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