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Sharpshootin' Nick


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How do you know he was ghosting?


If his teammate just cleared that area, there was no reason for him to even go to that spot.

Why would he even go there directly like that? He didn't even bother to check any other spot.

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This looks like walls to me... Since the guy didn't move and walls explain why he went there in the first place. Plus Nick already been banned for ghosting before and i doubt he would do it again...

Edited by Master
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How do we even know whether he was ghosting or not? Just because he says that he was ghosting doesn't mean it has to be true. Anyone who got caught with wall hacks could just say they were ghosting.


Since he was banned before for ghosting, why is he getting unbanned if he indeed did ghost again?(if it wasn't walls)

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Unless you are in there ghosting with him, you can not tell if he is ghosting.


So, if you werent there with him, then, by the looks of it to us, he was walling.


Our motd says 'no ghosting', so he still should be banned for what you are calling 'ghosting'.


But again, if you werent in there with him, how do you know he was ghosting and not walling?

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