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Post Funny Steam Convo :)


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@50 cents, yayayayayayayaya it's retarded but in all fairness, it's fun for them. I honestly don't care but it can be irritating sometimes to get random PMs asking about sexuality or something more... err.. personally... ROFL


@Mccain, you are correct, in biology; asexual reproduction is when you can procreate without another sexual organ or "person" however in the context of human sexuality it refers to one who does not feel sexual attraction towards any sex. (sex being the biological gender of a person)


Look it up on WikiPedia xD http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asexuality


@ everyone else: it was one twisted joke so I must say it caught me off guard since I didn't really know who he/she was...


This is just an useless bait thread for fun so no worries. to be honest, OP is lucky to have played this on me, I don't think many ppl would like to be harassed (and I don't but I don't care as much I suppose <_<) about their sexuality (harassed is used in a strictly neutral context and does not imply anything negative by the way).

Edited by enigma#
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