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Giving condoms to elementary school kids


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they just need to not let the kids know about drugs so early and sex so early, this is why parents should teach their OWN young rather than the jacked up "world"


So they give condoms for sex. What are they suppose to give bongs for drugs?

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At that age you should not even know about them......I had no clue. I mean sure you knew that guys had something girls didnt and you said shit and thought you were a badass. Condoms are ridiculous at that age.

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I would rather them have them instead of not having them.


Well they honestly shouldn't even know what sex is at that age. They need to give sex ed to like 7th and 8th graders.. the kids that are going into high school because they will probably encounter situations like that.

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Well they honestly shouldn't even know what sex is at that age. They need to give sex ed to like 7th and 8th graders.. the kids that are going into high school because they will probably encounter situations like that.


Yeahh. It's wrong for them to know that shit. There was a 2nd grader who knew about it on my bus when I was in 5th and he was fucked up...poor kid...


Now, maybe if they were handing them out to highschool or college kids, it wouldn't be as bad.

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Guys, regardless of whether or not you think kids should be in some sort of walled garden of innocence, it's just not realistic. I knew full well what sex was at that age and kids are starting to have a lot more sex at a lot younger ages than was common when we were kids. Well, I say "we", but a good number of you are 14.


Abstinence-only education is a joke and just sets kids up for making huge mistakes when they eventually cave after heavy petting at the drive-in, and you can't rely on the parents to do it because a good number of them are fuckin' idiots and just perpetuate the cycle of having two kids by graduation.


Now, the school should have told the parents and there should have been a waiver, but I don't completely disagree with the concept. I remember taking Health class in elementary school...

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They should let kids find out on their own. That's how most of us did anyway here on the forums. Except Kold, Toxygen, Doobie and Seboard of course.


Yes, because the youth of America certainly needs children and syphilis before they're considered legal adults.

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I knew about sex even before elementry school, but I did not quiet relize what it was till half way through elementry school. I did go to a chatolic high school for awhile, and i loved argueing with the religioni teacher about the chatolic principles. That aside, they should not keep kids walled in from the world just to come out ill prepared for it. Why do you think when poor to middle class people see a upper class person think they are spollied brats, and know nothing of the real world.


I do agree thought, elementry students should not be fully amirsed in sex ed. Maybe, they could be given a little "taste" of sex ed.

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