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CS5 or Photoshop?


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Kk, Excalibur, CS5 is a generation of Adobe products. All the CS4 ---> CS5 differences are things like new tools, just more complicated layouts for everything in general :P.


But don't buy it, wait for a few weeks, months, not years, and wait for a good torrent to come out.


Don't buy adobe stuff, they're screwing you blind.

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Never use any... Just looking whats best didn't read.

But the shipping and handling is about $300 more... but it will be here in like 2-14 days getting it from like Maine and they will give me a email when they get my request...

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Guest The_Monkey

CONTENT AWARE FILL is in Photoshop CS5.....worth it. Better off with a torrent or newsgroup or something.

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