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Did anyone see last Air Bender?

captain crunch

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I went to it last night they fuckin massacred how they pronounce their names from the cartoon. Wasn't bad but not great either


They massacred EVERYTHING, including pronunciation, characterization and culture. Not to mention that there was no pacing in the movie, it looks like transition scenes (y'know, that mechanism commonly used so the audience isn't confused for 15 seconds when they magically change locations) were completely removed and they didn't bother to re-shoot any of the scenes that sorely needed it.


I watched the screening for educational reasons, not because I thought it was going to be enjoyable. It's a shame, because the plot has potential. It's just that Shamalynononananaonon completely ruined it.

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James Cameron's: 'AVATAR' > The entire 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' franchise


Considering both movies suck, i think its pretty =.


Anybody who watches that shit almost certainly jerks off to Anime porn as well.


HEY! Dont you dare lump me in with those perverts. I do not watch Avatar: The Last Airbender!

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It was like watching spongebob and sandy getting it on.... it ruins the tv show..... and its just the first season.......and ahng (fuck the spelling) is a little 9yr bad ass...........ur choice pre-movie happyness, or ultimate destruction a tv show.

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