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Admin JB Questions


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I was told to ask about a couple of these things.


1.) If I am using LR with another admin, may Drugs or Blind or anything be used IF THE ADMIN SAYS IT IS OK?


2.) I saw the post about racist insults, but, I have been told to stop doing this before. I use the HLDJ sound, "Nice place ni**a" or "Fuck yo couch ni**a". I am allowed to do that considering it is not an insult, correct?


3.) How can I record someones orders if they tell the CTs, "Kill them all" when it would be mass FK or something like that if they already said it? Is it possible?


4.) If a player is disrespecting another PLAYER, not admin, can I mute them/kick them if I warn them to stop? (example: Deagle is a young player on the JB server and everyone tells him to shut up and other things.)


Thank you guys for your time. These are just constant problems I would like to resolve just in case I have someone busting my balls in the future.

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@ 1... consult with Staff/Council on this one... as far as I know, this is still a big NO-NO

@ 2... We don't tolerate racism here at all so consult with Staff/Council on this one as well...as far as I know, it is still a No-No

@ 3... just record a demo in console

by typing in

record namehere

@4.... Get their Steam ID... SS of the abuse and yes, please warn, kick, then ban (standard admin procedure here)

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Didn't weeman just post about NOT using drugs, and anything else a trusted admin wouldn't have....so no it's not okay to do that. Also racism is still racism, we don't allow people to say what up n**** why would we allow it on hldj. Common sense.



Yes I know I'm not staff but I saw this and wanted to help out.

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See that is why I asked about the racism. If it isn't an insult, is it legal?

And as for the commands, I don't know what admins have had before this glitch. Just slap...or...?


For the last time, No!

Racism, be it passively implied or blatantly said, is not allowed. Staff/Council will always have final say but since you are repping [HG], keep the language as unoffending as possible.


Insults especially on the internet can be passively implied (like I said above) or blatant so we'd prefer not to cause ambiguation since people can interpret your intentions differently online.


If you're still not convinced, go on Vent and ask one of the staff/council members to explain this to you.


This is just my understanding of HG policy.

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The only ones you should Be using are as followed. Slap, kick, mute, ban, team switch, and gag



Also why do you want to be racist so bad! It's not allowed won't ever be allowed so don't do it! Eng and I have been here for a long time we are not misleading you. If I heard you play that sound clip I would of banned you. You know better than to be racist on our servers, you shouldn't be racist in any! You are representing HG so don't do things to make us look bad. Racism, fk in another server, being a jerk, hacking. Just have fun, be nice and no racism.

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1.) If I am using LR with another admin, may Drugs or Blind or anything be used IF THE ADMIN SAYS IT IS OK?


Doesn't matter if it is LR or not these rules still apply.


2.) I saw the post about racist insults, but, I have been told to stop doing this before. I use the HLDJ sound, "Nice place ni**a" or "Fuck yo couch ni**a". I am allowed to do that considering it is not an insult, correct?

No, It will just lead to others saying insults and then they will get banned for it. Here is a post about it in that racism rules thread: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/21341-Rules-for-racism?p=117410&viewfull=1#post117410


3.) How can I record someones orders if they tell the CTs, "Kill them all" when it would be mass FK or something like that if they already said it? Is it possible?

No, just have a demo running when you play if you're that worried about it.


4.) If a player is disrespecting another PLAYER, not admin, can I mute them/kick them if I warn them to stop? (example: Deagle is a young player on the JB server and everyone tells him to shut up and other things.)

It depends on how bad it is, "shutup" is not something you should really mute someone for. Just tell them to stop and the ones that keep going on and on you can mute.

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(example: Deagle is a young player on the JB server and everyone tells him to shut up and other things.)


Whenever he's on CT with me, I have a bring-your-kid-to-work day. He leads, but I must agree to all his orders. It silences the complainers because one of my rules is "If you insult my child, you will die."

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