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MonkeyMan Gmod DarkRP Server


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1. Abuser name: -hg-MonkeyMan

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:30633184

3. What server: [HG] 24/7 Serious RP Server (

4. About what time: 11:45PM

5. PROOF: http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/8/1/2930528//monkeyman.rar

6. Please tell us about the incident:

2 Demos, one showing his reaction to "Prop-Climbing" accusations by multiple users (and his admitting that he deleted the props but still tried to do it.), and another showing him threatening another user with a random-demote because he refused to sell him his battering ram. When the argument heats up a little, MonkeyMan proceeds to RDM the cop who disagreed with him.


I really hate having to do this because I don't really have anything against MonkeyMan, but he is obviously too immature to handle the responsibility of being Admin. To me it doesn't matter if he payed for it or not, if
many people are complaining about him then something needs to happen. This is a kid who is still a few years away from being totally aware of his actions and their impact on the server's population.


We don't deserve to live under the oppressive rule of a 13 Year-old who acts the way these demos prove. Also, keep in mind that these are only 2 incidents within a 15 minute period. He is like this
all the time.




This is how he was acting today, this seems to be a pretty solid constant in his behavior.

It's not really his fault as I believe that he doesn't know what he's doing wrong:

It's just that he tries to enforce the rules in a non-friendly manner, and 9/10 times the situation

escalates when he doesn't feel like the people he's trying to "Administrate" are responding to

his requests or listening to him. So he loses his temper and ends up breaking the rules to show his

dominance over other players instead of being logical about it and finding a passive solution.

It's not really his fault as we were all like that at one point in our lives. But frankly, I don't think

he's fit to be an admin yet. These threads pop-up with his name on the subject way too often.


All I'd like to finish saying is that an admin is supposed to lead by example, and set a good model

for other players to follow. If this is the model that MonkeyMan is showing then I don't think he should be admin. Period.


Sorry buddy, but as the server's coder I can't sit back and let you do this to our players.

Edited by ZCOM
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ok yes i did climb up a chair but i didnt go or use it for any bad thing like i could of hopped over the fence with it but i didnt.i was actully just seeing if i could actully stand on it and jump on to the key pad but it failed so i stoped and the other insadent was that the cop wasnt opinging the door when i got the warrent so i asked if i could have the rammer and he said for 1k and i said no you can help me or ill demote you and that was the problem he didnt help so he got demoted.

and the chair didnt even come of the cround i spawnd it stood on it and tryid to get on the keypad but it didnt work so i deleted it i didnt go over the fence at all or nothin just trying something new.

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Dude, do you not see the pattern here? EVERY SINGLE TIME: You get evidence or a claim made against you. You get all butthurt and type one (maybe two) really long run-on sentences. And you don't even defend yourself, you just give shitty excuses as to why it's "OK" for you to break the rules in order to get what you want. I don't know who likes you up in the [HG] ranks so much that they let you get away with this shit, but seriously: After watching you "Admin" a server for 6 hours straight last night I can honestly say that we had a very rebellious and unresponsive crowd of players mostly because of how you handle yourself in front of them. They are older, more mature people that respond to logic and reason. However, you find it easier to simply show-off your powers and rank by:


• Constantly dragging and moving people with the Physgun

• Shushing people forcefully

• Getting defensive and aggressive when confronted with a situation where you should be HUMBLE AND APOLOGETIC.

• Trying to dodge the same rules you brutally enforce onto others in the servers. (NLR, RDM, Prop-Climbing, etc.)

• Dishing out unnecessarily harsh punishments for small mistakes or minor rule-breaking without warning.

• Kicking, banning, & killing for PERSONAL OFFENSES made against you in the game.


The list continues...


Last night, during a period of six hours I was able to gather that you are not a F A I R administrator.

I know you won't understand why I posted this, or why so many of us have a problem with your attitude.

When you are older, and come across a situation like this, I know you will stop and think to yourself:

"Was I really like this at that age?" Because that is what we all end up telling ourselves through-out life.

Just know that this is the time for you to be a good listener instead of throwing a temper-tantrum because

"No one listens to you." or "no one obeys you." Let me leave you with some wise words:


In order to GET respect, you must first GIVE respect.


People will treat you how YOU treat THEM!


(I can already foresee the loooooong run-on sentences that are to come about absolutely nothing.)

Edited by ZCOM
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N1ck You ARE a higher rank then me, But i think you need to face the facts that he is abusing his power. He admits it by trying to defend himself in the worst way. I didn't Have proof Of his abuse until he responded, And also this is the 2nd Post about it. I don't understand why it appears he is being given special treatment for What I BELIEVE Is a "xxx is his father so he is void from all forms of punishment" I don't know if this is true but it appears evident that something is going on that isnt fair. I beleive that he needs to be stricken from power Because of the facts that:


- He Gives people ATLEAST 30 warnings as i've seen and then starts banning random people

- He Abuses his powers (Proof Above.)

- He is young. and i dont think he understands that (Wise words inc) " You can't break a man like you break a horse or a dog, Every time you beat, He Comes back harder".

- As Said ABOVE, Alot of people who play are pretty mature if given ample respect.

- If you cant handle the heat, Get Out of the Kitchen.

- He can't handle any pressure or any thought that his power isn't absolute. Superiority Complex.

- Bla bla bla, His Age.

- I Have NO proof of this, but i do believe he has taken "bribes" From people to be brutal on others for anything at all. I saw it happen but one again, no proof.



To me He should be revoked from power to stop what i believe is a small drop in GMOD DarkRP population on the HG server. Thanks for reading this,

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N1ck You ARE a higher rank then me, But i think you need to face the facts that he is abusing his power. He admits it by trying to defend himself in the worst way. I didn't Have proof Of his abuse until he responded, And also this is the 2nd Post about it. I don't understand why it appears he is being given special treatment for What I BELIEVE Is a "xxx is his father so he is void from all forms of punishment" I don't know if this is true but it appears evident that something is going on that isnt fair. I beleive that he needs to be stricken from power Because of the facts that:


- He Gives people ATLEAST 30 warnings as i've seen and then starts banning random people

- He Abuses his powers (Proof Above.)

- He is young. and i dont think he understands that (Wise words inc) " You can't break a man like you break a horse or a dog, Every time you beat, He Comes back harder".

- As Said ABOVE, Alot of people who play are pretty mature if given ample respect.

- If you cant handle the heat, Get Out of the Kitchen.

- He can't handle any pressure or any thought that his power isn't absolute. Superiority Complex.

- Bla bla bla, His Age.

- I Have NO proof of this, but i do believe he has taken "bribes" From people to be brutal on others for anything at all. I saw it happen but one again, no proof.



To me He should be revoked from power to stop what i believe is a small drop in GMOD DarkRP population on the HG server. Thanks for reading this,


I appreciate your support on the matter but n1ck is right (and so are the rules.) You may strongly dislike MonkeyMan but you were not involved in this case, and didn't bring any new evidence to the table. You simply reiterated some of my points (and strongly might I add). I feel your frustration but when a highly-ranked member of our community posts saying: "Those of you not directly involved or not posting with additional solid proof please dont post" it means just that. There is no 'facing the facts', there is only 'obeying the rules & admins.'


I have talked with Soccer regarding this situation, and it will be handled accordingly when the time comes.


Until then I advice all of you to heed n1ck's words and hold your tongues (or your fingers) unless you can add to the evidence pile.

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