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Please, More GMOD powers.


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Below is a screenshot of one of several prop spammers props, after they disconnected. People are stuck by them until they finally disappear. Earlier, the server got rope spammed into the 20 FPS range. We had to spend 20 minutes getting everyone to !votemap 3.


We don't need all the various super admin powers. Just at LEAST prop removal or unconnected players and server map reset/cleanup.


If possible, also to see the names of who killed who in console, to catch RDMers.


I moved my admin to the DarkRP server and this is just in the first few hours. We banned over 5 people for 60-120 minutes for multiple reasons, NLR after repeated warnings, RDM after warnings, Prop spam, etc. After we kick the spammers, their props stay. We need some way of removing them. The staff member who responded to my support ticket was right, DarkRP can be a headache too sometimes. It would be a whole lot easier if we had a bit more power.


Here is that screenshot:





Basically, I don't need permanent ban powers or the vast majority of superadmin powers. Just those couple that would help clean the server up after spam. We gotta have something to work with here besides teleport and kick/ban/mute/slay/etc.

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