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Order of punishment


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I've noticed lately that admins on jb are slaying CT's who are then not given a warning, and teamswitched immediately. Admins are also banning players who switchback whereas Kicking can probably get the point across just as effectively. I'm just wondering how the orders of punishment can be enforced to admins who do not follow them.

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The only time I'll give an immediate kick/ban is if someone kills a stack of T's and auto T-List doesn't pick them up because they blatantly come on the server knowing what they're doing. An immediate ban serves as a way to have time to come on here to do an auto t-list report.


What I guess I'm trying to say is that this rule/steps of punishment should be emphasized more to admins in the way that disallowed commands are. There are admins that understand that warnings get the point across but some admins just look at it more like... oh this guy has no clue what he's doing... he can go on T now.

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Admins are held on a higher standard then the players. If you see any admins not follow the basic rules that you needed to read when buying admin then please get a demo/Screenshots of the situation. Please try not to tell them that they are wrong and you are correct cause you might in fact be wrong. Please leave the explaining to the Staff members since we are able to get the point across quickly.


Yet here are some examples of what to say

Good approach

You: "Hey <admin name> just a heads up, your not allowed to kick with out warning them. I might be wrong but in the motd it says warns first. "

Admin Response: "Thanks I will check the MOTD again, first day with admin. So I am kinda new with it"

See you giving him a heads up is a perfect thing to do. This way your not arguing with another admin and you might have just help someone with new admin out.


Bad Approach

You: "Hey <admin name> why the fuck did you slay <users name> cause he didn't do anything wrong. Learn how to use your admin or it will be gone. Man I hate these stupid little kids who get mommy credit card to pay for admin"

Admin Response: "F**K YOU TOO fa****!"


See this is the wrong way to do it. Other admins do not answer to you. Since you can not suspend their admin. Just give them a heads up on what they are doing wrong. If it still happens then report them. You may report them on the first time too. This allows Staff to take care of the admin and will be able to give the final okay about if what he did was in fact abuse of his power.



If you see an admin not following the rules, warn him about the admin rules and if he continues to not comply record a demo/screenshots and head to the forums. I am really tired of admins not following rules :/


Then bring proof onto the forums. Since your tired of it and it isn't your duty to tell them how it work (cause you could be wrong) just bring it to the attention to the staff members. We will handle the situation.


The only time I'll give an immediate kick/ban is if someone kills a stack of T's and auto T-List doesn't pick them up because they blatantly come on the server knowing what they're doing. An immediate ban serves as a way to have time to come on here to do an auto t-list report.

You still need to warn. Slay him instead of kicking right away. This way you can swap him to the other team. If he goes to back to ct then kick him. This is only after you say "<user's name> please read the MOTD to learn the rules of the server. If you are unaware of what to do please say so and we will help you learn the game mode. But stay on Terrorist for a couple of rounds to help you understand the game play."

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