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Because I suck


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I know this is HORRIBLY late...by like....years or something xD

but congrats to everyone who got promotions in the past few months. No, I will probably never remember who half of you are, nor meet...but I just been dying to say this to yall.


Secondly...I would like to announce that I'm going to be in game soon to kick yall's butts xD <3<3

Okay that's a lie that i'll kick your butts....But don't think I won't try. I saw something about a new deathmatch server and I'm hoping to check it out when CSS gets done downloading to my comp ;D


Last...ZOMFG bigjohn is a recruit now! x3 I was wondering when he would join LOL <3 +1 before the promotion xD:pepper::pepper:

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lol you guys

What's upppppp? n.~

So yeah...missed yall during the big move and what-not. I'll try to be on as much as i can before i get off my stupid lazy ass and get a job before my life becomes too fucked up and I get too lazy to get one and then move in with some random people and mooch off them xD <3<3

jk but yeah. I'm going job hunting hopefully at the end of october or next month!!! wish me luck!!!

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