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what would you do????


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275 trillion dollars can buy the entire United States, and possibly Earth.


I'd do more of the same... philosophy... and donate $274.5 trillion to the sciences, arts, and the less fortunate.



haha, i didn't read the actual number i just glanced, and thought "thats a lot of money, ill buy a Lamborghini" then i realized that i can buy 137,500 of the worlds most rare and expensive car :3

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Lol, if I had all that money, first I think i'd probably have a stroke from surprise. then i'd move and get my own place, move my gf in with me, take care of her family for the rest of their lives, finish college without having to worry about a loan, get a really good house, some nice cars, not have to worry about anything other than the IRS coming to claim their massive portion of the money lol.

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