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Operation Gamma


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Another clan (Will remain anonymous unless stated in someones post or is needed to receive an answer...) has been hacked by these guys, and according to them (they gave a Youtube Video to us in our Vent server http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGVaXM9vidQ,

) they have hacked you all before. While I am not a staff member of this clan being attacked, I requested and received allowance to ask how Hellsgamers got these attacks to stop. So far the hackers have hacked into our treasurers/main staff members account, hacked RCON, our vent, several other staff members accounts (although they were pushed out of most of the accounts), and some other things.

My clan would greatly appreciate it if you would explain how you got these attacks to stop.

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1. they have a constant changing ip address

2. No phone number, but we will find it lol.

3. Please refer to 2.

4. As far as I know, we have been constantly changing our passwords and are still repeatedly being hacked and re-hacked... (I don't know for sure, but I assume the password to have been over 30 characters several times)

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