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need help admin power missing

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I was on just about 40 mins ago to hg bhop server and my admin was working just fine. i left to go to another server to play for like 1hr then as soon as i returned to the HG Bhop 2000 server my admin was gone. said i do not have accese to this command.


Then i check abuse reports to see if someone reported me and no one did so i am just wondering what in the world happened to my admin someone plz help.


Homer if you see this help would be nice. thx all.

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i'm admin to bhop 2000 server for hg's and not worked for 3 days now. can you check to see if my admin is still working or can you check and see if my admin got cancelled or something.


Give it a little time. If you haven't realized we've been going through a lot in the past couple of days.

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