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So yeah.

Recently loads of new things have been happening in my life.

College, new friends, tougher homework, longer work hours, more training sessions and loss of friends.


Two months ago when everything began it was fun and interesting.

But now nothing seems the same..

The new friends are hollow, the is homework insane, injuries from training have begun to come.

Sometimes i feel so fucking lonely and empty that i could cry.

My dad is never home, my mom works and takes care of my nan and little brother.

I feel like im alone. Thank god that music has been invented.


i'm 16 for fucks sake.

how the hell can it be possible to feel like shit in the morning, sad at night and then sleep like shit.

It is though to be a role-model for my brother. Especially when I feel like this..


Am i insane, or is this normal? Because to feel like this doesn't boost my morale with getting an education. +1 for parents and friends. /not




- for the tl;dr's -


I just wanted to share some inner feelings.

I know its stupid posting something like this on a gamer forum.

So trolls troll, if you really want to make yourself feel better.

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I'm not good at these things. I generally have a lot more empathy for people than I have sympathy and I generally have 0 sympathy for teenagers. When I was your age specifically about 10 days after I turned 16 I lost both my parents and it did indeed seem like the end of the world with no one to care for me and no idea how to feed myself other than to use the same dominos coupon from store to store until they cut me off and I had figure out some other way to feed myself like getting jobs at fastfood places just to steal my dinner.


I'm 28 now. It's been rough, but to be cliche I'm an engineer now, I make enough money to buy anything I want(think the movie "big") go any where I want and I'm married to a model whos obsessed with Team fortress 2. This week I'm on some vendor paid outing to a resort hotel in canada and I'm eating food I've never heard of.


So Buck up man. Life is what it is. Nobody gets a magic pass. Keep your goal in sight and you'll be fine.


"and this too shall pass"

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Lifes not always easy.. My step mother does foster care and theres constantly new kids in the house that i've known for less than a month. Sometimes they aren't too bad to deal with but theres also some kids that make the house a living hell. No sense of privacy when you have to share a room with people that you don't even know and theres no way around it since my dad has practically no say. Just this past week while i was at my actual moms, two kids came who i know nothing about. Currently there's eight kids in my house split among 4 bedrooms. DeAna, Chelsey, Aliegh, Timmy, Christian, Dalton, and the two kids that i don't even know their name. and of course me i just go wherever weather its the couch or "my" bed.

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I think you're normal seriously.

Changes happen to everyone, it's tough for some and sometimes it's easy for others. It's not in for us to compare or decide.

Although my life is fairly different from yours, I think there's a lot of uncertainty that lies for you in your mind. I do hope that you continue to fight on even though it feels like it means nothing (but it doesn't by the way)

Friends will always be friends. There comes a time when superficiality reigns and this is the time.

You may find some friends you can share deeper thoughts and feelings but some are lost (possibly worst than you) and will refuse to listen. (typically they joke it off)

I would be willing to listen if you wish and I would rather be able to help if that is what you need.


Loneliness is there, and I feel for you there. It is difficult to say for certain what will happen, only time will tell.

I do feel as though you are being pushed into a difficult situation in which you cannot control. Such is life, keep your heart on your goals if you can.

It is extremely difficult being said than done and there is no doubt. Keep your mind onto the good parts of life. No matter what, keep your mind in focus to your goals if you wish.


Happiness doesn't come from what others say or do for you. It comes from your heart and mind. It comes from being to believe in yourself to be able to fight on even though it feels hopeless.


When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.
Edited by enigma#
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