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League of Legends Division


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[HG] drizzeN and I are going to attempt to start a league of legends division of HG. For those of you who already play this game, join us, play some 3v3s ranked and 5v5 pre made ranked. For those of you who don't know what this game is, check out there website @ http://www.leagueoflegends.com/


This game is FREE!!!!!


You can spend money on it by buying new champions or skins. You can get new champions by just playing the game. I encourage everyone to try this out. I will help anyone that wants to start. I will teach you what I can and there is also a walk through tutorial on there pvp.net client.


If you would like to join make a post here and I will be checking this every time I can and drizzeN as well.


If you already play post your summoner name and level please.


If you just signed up please put your summoner name and *NEW PLAYER* right afterwards.


If you have any question about the game pm drizzeN or me.


If you are going to sign up please click on one of the referral links below and help me and drizzeN out.


This is my referral link:




This is drizzeN's referral link:





Brief Summary

This game was created by the makers of DoTA. Some of you may remember this game some not. It is based off of the same play style of DoTA and warcraft 3. Maps consist of 3v3 or 5v5 where the 3v3 map has 2 lanes of offensive and defensive playability. 5v5 maps have 3 lanes of playability. On both of the maps there is a jungle which basically controls the game.

Edited by F34rTheV3n0m
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I guess so, LoL is a variant like HoN but there is a lot of animosity between some HoN players and most LoL players. HoN players seem to hate LoL alot (but not all).


LoL can be seen as a simplified variant of DoTa whereas HoN can be seen as a direct descendant of DoTa. It really depends on who you talk to.

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The main difference I find in HoN vs LoL is the champion play style and items. LoL has champions completely different then HoN as well with items. The objective of the game is the same, but I believe LoL is a lot simplier to play and more understanding. The makers of LoL is Riot games. They also introduce new champions every 2 weeks about. They also currently have a season underway. The top people in 3v3 premade 5v5 premade and 5v5 solo queues can earn $100,000 cash prize. League of Legends is so popular that it was introduced to the World Cyber Games this year with the United States winning.

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The main difference I find in HoN vs LoL is the champion play style and items. LoL has champions completely different then HoN as well with items. The objective of the game is the same, but I believe LoL is a lot simplier to play and more understanding. The makers of LoL is Riot games. They also introduce new champions every 2 weeks about. They also currently have a season underway. The top people in 3v3 premade 5v5 premade and 5v5 solo queues can earn $100,000 cash prize. League of Legends is so popular that it was introduced to the World Cyber Games this year with the United States winning.



^ this . WCG + HG = win

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