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Turtle Beach Headphones FAQ?

50 Cal

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Turtlebeaches are pretty boss for the PC along with the xbox they make a great headset for xbox and pc. In PC you can hear like every sound really good for soundplay same with xbox.

Also the mic isnt 2bad but its not the greatest. So for your question yes they will work nicely. If you do get turtlebeaches make sure to get the x11

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I got the turtle beach earforce x11 headset and my advice to you is to not get them. I had them and they worked perfectly for about 2 weeks. there is a feedback cable going from teh mic to the speakers so u can hear what u r saying (aka prevent urself from yelling into the mic) Then somehow everything i heard was being funneled to the mic (i.e. what i was hearing was being broadcasted) thus whenever i talked there was a MAJOR amount of feedback and no one could hear me. the headset just created a huge problem for me. I ended up returning them and got a cheaper logitech headset (although they dont support the 3D sound, they have never stopped working for me)

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  Reaper said:
I got the turtle beach earforce x11 headset and my advice to you is to not get them. I had them and they worked perfectly for about 2 weeks. there is a feedback cable going from teh mic to the speakers so u can hear what u r saying (aka prevent urself from yelling into the mic) Then somehow everything i heard was being funneled to the mic (i.e. what i was hearing was being broadcasted) thus whenever i talked there was a MAJOR amount of feedback and no one could hear me. the headset just created a huge problem for me. I ended up returning them and got a cheaper logitech headset (although they dont support the 3D sound, they have never stopped working for me)


I had turtle beach ended up doing the same thing. My advice: Don't get x11 get an older version or just a different mic brand.

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I had some turtle beaches. The 5.1 Surround Sound one. Who said they are for consoles only? Maybe a particular version is, but the kind I had were for PC.


Anyway, they hummed b/c it was a typical analog signal. I will only buy USB headsets from now on. Oh yeah, and after 6 months the mic boom broke and i had to order a replacement (it was provided by Turtle Beach for free, but it was still an inconvienience). And then after about 1 year, the right ear cup developed a terrible rattle that just got worse and worse. Like something got lose inside and rattled with every sound.


Now, I prefer these from logitech. I have bought 8 of them for myself and various family members and friends. Only had a problem with one after about a year, which was the mic got messed up.


http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826104398 (The actual versions I have are called the "Logitech ClearChat Pro" but Logitech phased it out and replaced it with the item I linked, which for all intents and purposes, is exactly the same.)

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I wouldn't recommend Turtle Beach. If you want one of the best Gaming Head Sets go for the Logitech G35 7.1 Digital Surround Sound Headset. The voice quality is very good and crisp and it has amazing Audio Quality. You can turn off the surround sound to listen to music and turn it on to play CS:S and others as well.




Heres the link for more.



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If you wanna play CS:S competitively I recommend the sennheiser brand.. They have TONS of levels of their headphones. I'm guessing you're in a 50-150 dollar price range so I'll link you a few pairs.


First pair is around 130 dollars these are the best headphones I've ever wore in this price range.


The next pair is around 65 dollars. Also an amazing headset around the ear and noise canceling good for gaming. (:


This pair is 100 dollars. They are just a step or two down from the first ones I linked.


This last pair is a huge 250 dollars but the one of the top gaming headsets in the world in my opinion.


These headsets don't come with a microphone but you could spend another 10 dollars and get a microphone that works completely fine.


I recommend this microphone best one out in my opinion.

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I have the Turtle Beach X11's. No problems so far in the about 6 months I've had them. Remember, the headset is $60. The only thing that annoys me is the extremely long cord (supposedly 12' or 16') that I end up running over with my chair. However, it is nice to have 1 headset for my xbox and PC. If you do have an xbox + PC, I would reccomend these for a budget headset. This is only MY opinion though. Everyone has different outcomes to headsets that they buy.


If you don't have a budget, you might try to look at some of their "higher end" headsets, or at a whole different company.

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