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depressed right now..


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Well right now I'm really really depressed....I've been trying to hide my sadness around you guys, but recently I can't anymore. Why am I depressed? Well mainly in school in such, I am not the kind of person who constantly talks and try's to know people. Yes I do talk in ts3....but it's the damn internet for god sakes..I am the quietest guy ever....main problem of that is I'm shy around people (mainly the girls...inb4 your a fa****...I'm not). I've seen what happens when people over talk...and it can lead you in trouble. But recently I feel really alone sometimes. I have never had a girlfriend before....I have never felt the way love is...I never kissed or have done anything with a girl.....me being this way just makes me a lonesome person. I have asked people for tips and such, they all told me to be myself....but this is me....I don't know what to do HG, it's been really hard for me to keep my mind off of this. Every time I see some of my friends that use to talk to me and hangout with me before they went to all the preps or all jocks (I play hockey so idk if I should include myself....but it's not a sport in-school) and now they are living it up with their gf's, cars, jobs and everything else....Me all I have is a bus ride and no reputation around school. Just the other day in class, these girls that I knew since 5th grade were passing out papers, and they didn't know who I was...I just wanted to punch myself in the face....no one has ever herd of me it seems like....IDK WHAT TO DO THIS SHIT IS DRIVING ME FUCKING CRAZY

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Damn fox. well i will probably just give u old advice but i mean when people say be yourself, thats all you have to do bro like if u pretend to be some one else its going to blow up in your face. and about u being shy man just strike up convos bro. like anything small, cause what u want is for some one to just remember you for something u did or something u talked about. then it goes from there. And man about the whole reputation at school. dont let that get to u man, after school is over. no 1 gives a shit, they just turn into another in the way person like i did lol.


oh and about those chicks, you know. ive ran into the same situation and i was like wtf, you know. The way i resolved it is, fuck them. lol

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Just be an asshole, chicks dig it.


but really, just get out and socialize more. Don't worry about trying to be popular in high school, but just strike up conversation with people, have to take a leap out of your comfort zone, so to speak.

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You're 16 it's hormones you'll get over it.


If you still live with your parents, you have two working legs, and no ones beating you with broken beer bottles trust me you're doing phenomenal.


but.. I see your perspective. My advice is - Stop being so quiet. Don't get out of peoples way. When you wanna say something say it. Make terrible jokes. You're 16 at most 4 years from nothing you did or say is really gonna matter.

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man, i totally feel for you and it would be a lie to tell you that i havent felt that way, i have. The only thing that i have to say is that, even though it doesnt seem like it right now, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You just have to find people that like the things that you do, there are definitely people who have things in common with. To use a personal memory, i lived in NZ for most of my life and when i moved to the US, i didnt fit in at all. No one enjoyed the things i enjoyed, and no one would talk to me because everyone hated foreigners and techno music. But i found people that enjoyed the fact that i was foreign and liked techno music and that gave me the confidence to talk to people who maybe wouldnt like me before. Im still not the most popular person but i dont want to be. I have a group of friends that are close to me and are always there for me. So just take that in perspective, even a person from NZ can find similarities with another person in the East Coast of the US.

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Do some crazy shit man. shit works. i jumped off the balcony at school in front of a girl i like and we'll we're dating now.

@sia that really worked


@fox I've seen what happens when people over talk...and it can lead you in trouble. - this is me for sure


just join some clubs in school that sound interesting, you'll meet alot of new people and might make some new friends, i joined student council this year and its been a fun experience

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Do some crazy shit man. shit works. i jumped off the balcony at school in front of a girl i like and we'll we're dating now.


True story I broken my kneecap trying to impress a girl skateboarding. Totally worked we out until I dumped her a few months later.

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Same here. But everyone knows me in my high school. They see me as that kid that is always quiet but a troublemaker. Yeah i stirred up some shit in middle school like exposing one of my teachers using crystal meth in school.(true story) But dont worry about everyone else just find yourself a nice girl.

I may seem a 5 year old troll on the internet but everyone has a completely different internet life lol. Trust me bro she doesn't have the be the hottest girl in the world just some one who can understand you. Kinda going through the same problem right now. I've had a crush on this one girl since the 6th grade (now im in 9th) and on thanks giving night 4 girls and one of my friends went to see harry potter 7. She told me she never wants to see me but ends up sitting next to me the whole movie and she held my hand almost the whole time. I ended up driving her and my friend home and she asks my friend a whole bunch of questions about me. I'm actually going to confront her about it tomorrow when I get back to school. Any way fox good luck. And don't cut yourself, never works.

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True story I broken my kneecap trying to impress a girl skateboarding. Totally worked we out until I dumped her a few months later.




I'm really glad Piscian responded to this post actually. At least you actually sound like you know what you're talking about.


As for my own opinion I stay with the fact that you're still 16. Everyone's got their own story, everyone's got their own stuff they deal with. Seriously just let things happen, especially in High school, once you reach college you can turn into a whole new person. Keep your chin up <3

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You're 16 it's hormones you'll get over it.


If you still live with your parents, you have two working legs, and no ones beating you with broken beer bottles trust me you're doing phenomenal.


but.. I see your perspective. My advice is - Stop being so quiet. Don't get out of peoples way. When you wanna say something say it. Make terrible jokes. You're 16 at most 4 years from nothing you did or say is really gonna matter.


nicely put!

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I'm guessing your not striking up conversations with women because your shy? or is it because your looking at them in a "different" manner?


One suggestion, stop looking at women with an attraction. Don't deny yourself its there just keep it in the right "head". Evil women treat like the donkey they act like, all others are fair game. The only difference between conversations with females vs. males are your replies to them and how you react. With females, don't use negative comments or suggestions, keep postive thoughts in your mind and males do what you want.


Example - guys says - my hair looks like horrible today. Your answer - yep you look horrible today, go wake up again.

- girl says - my hair looks horrible today. Your answer - I think it looks fine.


Example - guys says - I just got into my first car accident. Your answer - you're a shithead, go re-take the class.

- girl says - I just got into my first car accident. Your answer - glad you still look healthy (hopefully), hope everything is ok <---and every negative comment she says answer with a positive.


I'm no Dr. Phil but common sense tells me women don't want to hear negative comments, suggestions, etc. Whatever negative comment comes out of thier mouth, answer with a positive reply. This only applies to any female you converse with that has common sense. If this person is constantly negative, move on.


If you can keep your two heads from butting into one another and think with the one on your shoulders, everything will be a'okay.

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You're in high school right? Join a club. (if you have them) It looks good on your resume + you get to make friends.


If that doesn't work, make friends with the people in your classes, then meet their friends. I started high school this year with only 5 classmates from my middle school that went to the same high school I go to.(5vs.800) So, I wasn't really the "well known" guy at the beginning, nor am I now. Try to find people that seem to have similar characteristics and/or hobbies with you and have the same classes. Most of my friends, I have 2+ classes with. Also, don't be a person that you aren't. (everyone said this) My friends know me as the excessive gamer that I am. Speak up about your opinion. If someone likes strawberries, don't be afraid to state that you may/may not agree with them.


As for the shy around girls thing, you may want to try just to loosen up a bit. Talk a little about your self, but more about her. (This just my opinion people.) Have a couple good friends stick with ya' and keep calm.


But, I'm just a year younger, and you might have a different experience. Like Grizzly said, "I'm no Dr. Phil."

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16 or not, “Everybody need a partner to stand right by their side

...Not only down for the good times

But also down through the bad times”


Feel for you buddy, you should take it easy, if you worry to much about it it'll cause problems, just let it go and things will come out of itself.

You don't need to be a guy that screams all day, just a hey or a how are you is good enough to do stuff and above posts will help you.

Love hippie's post, buy me one..

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Depression is nothing to just ignore ..


Depending on the situation ..it could be the stress from school and other things ..or it could be that your brain isn't producing enough serotonin ..


Serotonin acts as a neurotransmitter, a type of chemical that helps relay signals from one area of the brain to another. Although serotonin is manufactured in the brain, where it performs its primary functions, some 90% of our serotonin supply is found in the digestive tract and in blood platelets



This is very important to have ..there is medication that can help this ..


My brain does not produce enough of this and I have to take medication everyday for my depression.


I hope that you get through this fox ..I am dealing with this as we speak ..if you need someone to chat with ..I'm here for you.

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don't feel bad man. I've never had a serious girlfriend, and I'm still an outgoing guy. Just talk to people. Act like you care. Perk up around people and try to spark a conversation once in a while. Make a joke in class. I've learned that once you stop caring what people think about you, that's where you'll find yourself.

Edited by F4ithl3ss
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